2022伦艺学联当下展征稿:无远不届 Boundless

2022伦艺学联当下展征稿:无远不届 Boundless







更新时间:2023-05-11 21:54:49

NOWSHOWING当下展 是由UALCSSA伦艺学联举办的年度艺术展览,迄今为止共已成功举办十一届。本展览旨在为英国留学生提供一个展示与交流的平台,发现艺术界新生代力量,向全世界展现我们的声音。
2022年当下展主旨为“无远不届 Boundless” ―打破边界,以艺术家的身份与世界对话。 

2019:  碎片化 Fragmentation 
 (The Coningsby Gallery, London) 

2020: 后大众媒体 Post Mass Media 

2021: 复苏之前 Before Rejuvenation 
 (Coutts Art Center, Shanghai) 




“元宇宙” (Metaverse) 无疑是今年最热点的词汇,它的出现引爆了科技和资本圈,这一全新的概念通过数字化形态承载的平行宇宙,可谓是“人造映射版”的现实世界,是基于形而上学(Metaphysics)的一种新宏观。在虚拟世界中的每个个体都将不只有一个单一的身份,其生命也将从有限延伸到无限。通过“元宇宙”链接,可以扩展我们的视觉、听觉、触觉等感知器官,同时也可以将虚拟化的项目融入进物理世界,沉浸式地体验这平行宇宙中所发生的一切,可以进行无尽的想象和创作…这是一种形而上的去中心化世界,但对于这样的经济、社会及生态系统,征途邈若山河,人类仍有很长的路要走。




此次展览我们以“无远不届 Boundless”为主旨,面向全部有在英经历的留学生征稿。期待艺术家们运用多学科、跨领域的方式对当下进行思考,以艺术创作为语言,用作品与观者们来一场畅快的对谈。
“Metaverse” is undoubtedly the most controversial idea of the year. Its emergence has detonated the technological field and the existing capitalism. This new concept of “parallel universes” sustained by digital forms can be expressed as “man-made mappings” of reality. It is a new macro concept based of metaphysics. In the virtual world, individuals will obtain more than one identity, and its life span will also extend from finite to infinite. Through the connections of the “metaverse”, we can thus expand our perception organs including vision, auditory, tangibility and such. Coherently, we can integrate virtualised projects into the physical realm, and experience events in the parallel world in an immersive manner. It can be a gateway to endless imagination and creativity. This is a metaphysical decentralised world, but the journey for such an economic, social and ecological world, the human species still has a long way to go.

As early as the end of the last century, the ideological craze for “boundlessness” has appeared in the public gaze. With the undergoing technological and internet development, in the 21st century, under the background of economic globalisation and regional integration. The art industry and the top notch fields of various industries have integrated and developed simultaneously together. The boundary between is no longer a barrier to human communication, and thus, the diversity of artistic transformation has also become part of the popular culture.

This exhibition aims to create a boundless communal space of imaginations focusing around decentralised ideas. It will also provide a borderless platform under the general view of the meta-universe, fearless in boundaries; fearless in dimensions; fearless in reality. Precipitate the surreal sense of assumption in our realm.

"Nothing" has multiple positive, rich, transcendental and multilateral connotations, and it also despises the existence of all imprisonment. Artistic visions are endless, unbounded, fearless and avant-garde. We invite you to join us in this boundless world, to define recklessly define and envision. This not only requires formal changes and innovations, but also subversive ideologies to discuss and explore the relationship between time, space and human beings.

With this year’s theme entitled “boundless”, we are calling for all international students with experience in the UK. It is expected that artists will use multi-disciplinary methods to visually communicate their visions about the present. Using their artistic creation as a transmission tool to commune between themselves and the audience.

投 稿 须 知 -

Instruction for Authors 

? 展览由UALCSSA伦敦艺术大学中国学联主办,正式展期为四月中下旬,更多详情请持续关注学联公众号。

? 作品形式无限制,作品主旨和内容需[!--empirenews.page--]与展览主旨相关

? 可投稿1-3组作品,每组作品都需要单独填写参选报名表。影像类作品,请将作品上传于任意视频网站,并附具体链接。

? 投稿截止时间为:

? 参展作品材料制作费、运输费及装裱(如需)费需自理,展览主办方负责拆装及发件打包等相关工作。

? 本次展览举办地点为伦敦市内,境外投稿作品需自行负责运输,或在入选后与策展团队商议其他展出形式。

? 本次展览为公益性质展览,不收取任何投稿及展出费用

? 投稿作品为投稿人原创,未侵犯任何他人权益,包括但不限于著作权、商标权及其他知识产权,不得同期参加其他线下展览。

投稿链接(Google Drive)与信息登记二维码:

Nowshowing 2022 


撰稿 / 谢林璇  夏娃  谭茜  邹齐圣心
校对 / 高加瑜
翻译 / 周紫言
海报 / 侯婉佳
排版 / 陆   遥




NOWSHOWING当下展 是由UALCSSA伦艺学联举办的年度艺术展览,迄今为止共已成功举办十一届。本展览旨在为英国留学生提供一个展示与交流的平台,发现艺术界新生代力量,向全世界展现我们的声音。
2022年当下展主旨为“无远不届 Boundless” ―打破边界,以艺术家的身份与世界对话。 

2019:  碎片化 Fragmentation 
 (The Coningsby Gallery, London) 

2020: 后大众媒体 Post Mass Media 

2021: 复苏之前 Before Rejuvenation 
 (Coutts Art Center, Shanghai) 




“元宇宙” (Metaverse) 无疑是今年最热点的词汇,它的出现引爆了科技和资本圈,这一全新的概念通过数字化形态承载的平行宇宙,可谓是“人造映射版”的现实世界,是基于形而上学(Metaphysics)的一种新宏观。在虚拟世界中的每个个体都将不只有一个单一的身份,其生命也将从有限延伸到无限。通过“元宇宙”链接,可以扩展我们的视觉、听觉、触觉等感知器官,同时也可以将虚拟化的项目融入进物理世界,沉浸式地体验这平行宇宙中所发生的一切,可以进行无尽的想象和创作…这是一种形而上的去中心化世界,但对于这样的经济、社会及生态系统,征途邈若山河,人类仍有很长的路要走。




此次展览我们以“无远不届 Boundless”为主旨,面向全部有在英经历的留学生征稿。期待艺术家们运用多学科、跨领域的方式对当下进行思考,以艺术创作为语言,用作品与观者们来一场畅快的对谈。
“Metaverse” is undoubtedly the most controversial idea of the year. Its emergence has detonated the technological field and the existing capitalism. This new concept of “parallel universes” sustained by digital forms can be expressed as “man-made mappings” of reality. It is a new macro concept based of metaphysics. In the virtual world, individuals will obtain more than one identity, and its life span will also extend from finite to infinite. Through the connections of the “metaverse”, we can thus expand our perception organs including vision, auditory, tangibility and such. Coherently, we can integrate virtualised projects into the physical realm, and experience events in the parallel world in an immersive manner. It can be a gateway to endless imagination and creativity. This is a metaphysical decentralised world, but the journey for such an economic, social and ecological world, the human species still has a long way to go.

As early as the end of the last century, the ideological craze for “boundlessness” has appeared in the public gaze. With the undergoing technological and internet development, in the 21st century, under the background of economic globalisation and regional integration. The art industry and the top notch fields of various industries have integrated and developed simultaneously together. The boundary between is no longer a barrier to human communication, and thus, the diversity of artistic transformation has also become part of the popular culture.

This exhibition aims to create a boundless communal space of imaginations focusing around decentralised ideas. It will also provide a borderless platform under the general view of the meta-universe, fearless in boundaries; fearless in dimensions; fearless in reality. Precipitate the surreal sense of assumption in our realm.

"Nothing" has multiple positive, rich, transcendental and multilateral connotations, and it also despises the existence of all imprisonment. Artistic visions are endless, unbounded, fearless and avant-garde. We invite you to join us in this boundless world, to define recklessly define and envision. This not only requires formal changes and innovations, but also subversive ideologies to discuss and explore the relationship between time, space and human beings.

With this year’s theme entitled “boundless”, we are calling for all international students with experience in the UK. It is expected that artists will use multi-disciplinary methods to visually communicate their visions about the present. Using their artistic creation as a transmission tool to commune between themselves and the audience.

投 稿 须 知 -

Instruction for Authors 

? 展览由UALCSSA伦敦艺术大学中国学联主办,正式展期为四月中下旬,更多详情请持续关注学联公众号。

? 作品形式无限制,作品主旨和内容需
2022伦艺学联当下展征稿:无远不届 Boundless



更新时间:2023-05-11 21:54:49



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