







更新时间:2023-12-29 18:35:05
  Silk culture is a treasure of Chinese culture,with a long history and rich cultural connotations.Silk has been developed for at least 4,000 years,and the Chinese sericulture is considered to be the origin and core of silk culture.As early as the Neolithic era,China's ancestors began to plant mulberry and raise silkworms.The use of silk began at the end of the fishing and hunting era,while sericulture began at the beginning of the agricultural era.From the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Warring States Period,the silk weaving handicraft industry developed rapidly,and the number of areas where silk fabrics were woven increased greatly.Sericulture production had a great impact on the politics and economy of each country.Shang Yang's change of law also attaches great importance to the development of silkworms,the change of law provides for the production of silk to a certain amount can be exempted from the corvée.
  The development of silk culture was not only limited to China,it also connected China with the rest of the world in ancient times.During the Han Dynasty,Zhang Qian made a mission to the West,thus creating the"Silk Road",which linked the Western Han Dynasty with many countries in Central Asia,promoting economic and cultural exchanges between them.In the Wei,Jin and North and South Dynasties,China and foreign exchanges in silk and sericulture technology more closely,and the formation of the Maritime Silk Road,promoting the cultural exchanges and development of the East and West.During the Sui and Tang dynasties,China's silk industry gradually shifted to the Yangtze River valley,and the Tang dynasty was the heyday of silk production,regardless of output,quality and variety reached unprecedented levels.
  Silk culture occupies an extremely important place in Chinese culture,reflecting not only the Chinese people's reverence for silkworms and reverence for nature,but also the essence of Chinese culture and traditional aesthetic values.The production process of silk requires multiple steps,each of which needs to be carefully crafted by artisans,reflecting the Chinese people's artisanal spirit and pursuit of excellence.At the same time,the history and development of silk culture reflects the richness and colorfulness of China as an ancient civilization,and the influence of silk culture has transcended the limits of time and space to become a representative of Chinese culture and a part of world culture.
  往届回顾/Previous Review
  2022"Silk Spit fragrance"the first international poster design exhibition of silkworm culture,from 45 different countries and regions of the well-known designers involved in the creation,received 566 pieces of domestic designers,198 pieces of foreign designers,the organizing committee through a rigorous selection,a total of 379 pieces of works selected for exhibition,and in Tongxiang,Zhejiang The organizing committee selected 379 works through strict selection and exhibited them at the Silkworm Garden in Tongxiang,Zhejiang Province.
  为庆祝518国际博物馆日,中国丝绸博物馆计划举办以“丝绸文化”为创作主题的国际海报展。展览以世界博物馆日“可持续生活与美好生活Museums,Sustainability and Wellbeing”的主题,结合中国丝绸文化,创作设计海报作品,展示中国丝绸文化的独特魅力,丰富人们对丝绸文化的认知,以极具张力的视觉形态为丝绸文化注入创新活力。
  To celebrate the International Museum Day on May 18th,the China Silk Museum plans to hold an international poster exhibition with"Silk Culture"as the creative theme.The exhibition is based on the theme of"Museums,Sustainability and Wellbeing"for the World Museum Day,and combines Chinese silk culture to create and design poster works,showcasing the unique charm of Chinese silk culture,enriching people's understanding of silk culture,and injecting innovative vitality into the silk culture with highly impactful visual forms.
  中国丝绸博物馆China National Silk Museum浙江理工大学国际时尚技术学院Zhejiang Sci-Tech University of International Institute of Fashion Technology嘉兴市美术家协会Jiaxing Artists'Association
  浙江理工大学时尚品牌研究所Zhejiang Sci-Tech University of International Institute of Fashion Technology上海字魔营Shanghai Zimoreclub嘉兴市美术家协会设计艺委会Design Art Committee of Jiaxing Artists Association
  嘉兴圣米罗文化传播Jiaxing San Miro Cultural Communication桐乡市沈莉高农业生活园Tongxiang Shen Ligao Agricultural Life Park
  海外联合主办/Overseas Co-Hosts
  China Europe International Design Culture Association
  Swiss New Poster Gallery
  Japan Peace-loving Innovators of Nations
  李志明(中国)/Zhiming Li
  徐伟(中国)/Wei Xu
  Adria Nabekle(瑞士)
  策展统筹/Curatorial Coordinator
  赵宗强/Zongqiang Zhao


  Silk culture is a treasure of Chinese culture,with a long history and rich cultural connotations.Silk has been developed for at least 4,000 years,and the Chinese sericulture is considered to be the origin and core of silk culture.As early as the Neolithic era,China's ancestors began to plant mulberry and raise silkworms.The use of silk began at the end of the fishing and hunting era,while sericulture began at the beginning of the agricultural era.From the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Warring States Period,the silk weaving handicraft industry developed rapidly,and the number of areas where silk fabrics were woven increased greatly.Sericulture production had a great impact on the politics and economy of each country.Shang Yang's change of law also attaches great importance to the development of silkworms,the change of law provides for the production of silk to a certain amount can be exempted from the corvée.
  The development of silk culture was not only limited to China,it also connected China with the rest of the world in ancient times.During the Han Dynasty,Zhang Qian made a mission to the West,thus creating the"Silk Road",which linked the Western Han Dynasty with many countries in Central Asia,promoting economic and cultural exchanges between them.In the Wei,Jin and North and South Dynasties,China and foreign exchanges in silk and sericulture technology more closely,and the formation of the Maritime Silk Road,promoting the cultural exchanges and development of the East and West.During the Sui and Tang dynasties,China's silk industry gradually shifted to the Yangtze River valley,and the Tang dynasty was the heyday of silk production,regardless of output,quality and variety reached unprecedented levels.
  Silk culture occupies an extremely important place in Chinese culture,reflecting not only the Chinese people's reverence for silkworms and reverence for nature,but also the essence of Chinese culture and traditional aesthetic values.The production process of silk requires multiple steps,each of which needs to be carefully crafted by artisans,reflecting the Chinese people's artisanal spirit and pursuit of excellence.At the same time,the history and development of silk culture reflects the richness and colorfulness of China as an ancient civilization,and the influence of silk culture has transcended the limits of time and space to become a representative of Chinese culture and a part of world culture.
  往届回顾/Previous Review
  2022"Silk Spit fragrance"the first international poster design exhibition of silkworm culture,from 45 different countries and regions of the well-known designers involved in the creation,received 566 pieces of domestic designers,198 pieces of foreign designers,the organizing committee through a rigorous selection,a total of 379 pieces of works selected for exhibition,and in Tongxiang,Zhejiang The organizing committee selected 379 works through strict selection and exhibited them at the Silkworm Garden in Tongxiang,Zhejiang Province.
  为庆祝518国际博物馆日,中国丝绸博物馆计划举办以“丝绸文化”为创作主题的国际海报展。展览以世界博物馆日“可持续生活与美好生活Museums,Sustainability and Wellbeing”的主题,结合中国丝绸文化,创作设计海报作品,展示中国丝绸文化的独特魅力,丰富人们对丝绸文化的认知,以极具张力的视觉形态为丝绸文化注入创新活力。
  To celebrate the International Museum Day on May 18th,the China Silk Museum plans to hold an international poster exhibition with"Silk Culture"as the creative theme.The exhibition is based on the theme of"Museums,Sustainability and Wellbeing"for the World Museum Day,and combines Chinese silk culture to create and design poster works,showcasing the unique charm of Chinese silk culture,enriching people's understanding of silk culture,and injecting innovative vitality into the silk culture with highly impactful visual forms.
  中国丝绸博物馆China National Silk Museum浙江理工大学国际时尚技术学院Zhejiang Sci-Tech University of International Institute of Fashion Technology嘉兴市美术家协会Jiaxing Artists'Association
  浙江理工大学时尚品牌研究所Zhejiang Sci-Tech University of International Institute of Fashion Technology上海字魔营Shanghai Zimoreclub嘉兴市美术家协会设计艺委会Design Art Committee of Jiaxing Artists Association
  嘉兴圣米罗文化传播Jiaxing San Miro Cultural Communication桐乡市沈莉高农业生活园Tongxiang Shen Ligao Agricultural Life Park
  海外联合主办/Overseas Co-Hosts
  China Europe International Design Culture Association
  Swiss New Poster Gallery
  Japan Peace-loving Innovators of Nations
  李志明(中国)/Zhiming Li
  徐伟(中国)/Wei Xu
  Adria Nabekle(瑞士)
  策展统筹/Curatorial Coordinator
  赵宗强/Zongqiang Zhao



更新时间:2023-12-29 18:35:05



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