







更新时间:2023-11-15 17:48:27

I.Project Description
1.项目名字Project name
Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park Architecture and Outdoor Environment Landscape Design Competition
2.组织机构Organizating unit
Competition organizer:Huizhou Daya Bay Runhua Tourism Development Co.,Ltd
Competition planning and consulting agency:Guangzhou Wangtat Project Management&Consultancy Group Co.,Ltd.
II.Project Overview
1.项目背景Project background
Daya Bay Development Zone is located in the southern part of Huizhou City,Guangdong Province,adjacent to Pingshan District,Shenzhen.It is 47 nautical miles away from Hong Kong,about 60 kilometers from the city center of Shenzhen,and about 120 kilometers from the city center of Dongguan.With a good investment and business environment and urban support,it is the only petrochemical base in the eastern coast of the Pearl River Delta,with outstanding geographical advantages.
In order to improve urban functions,promote the development of cultural industry,create a cultural highland in the city,and enhance the sense of harvest for the people’s spiritual life,we plan to build a Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park(Cultural Center)in the Administration and Business District.The place where the project is located is the administrative and business district of Daya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone,which is the core area of Daya Bay development.The main functions of the area are administrative,financial,commercial,and residential,with high-end planning positioning.
The construction of Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park(Cultural Center)will focus on the goal of“Becoming a cultural highland in the southern part of Huizhou,and creating high-quality public social spaces”,aiming to build the project into a public cultural landmark with domestic appeal,cultural influence,and regional impact,as well as a popular cultural business card and spiritual home for our citizens.
In order to promote the construction of public cultural facilities in Daya Bay at a high standard and a high level,we plan to organize the“Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park Architecture and Outdoor Environment Landscape Design Competition”,and publicly call for design schemes with international vision,high level and high standard to guide the construction of Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park.
2.项目定位与目标Project positioning and objectives
(1)项目定位project orientation
The core positioning of this project is to create a new urban cultural landmark,a check-in destination for urban tourism in GBA,and a new urban cultural experience destination.Our main service group is domestic and foreign tourists who travel to Daya Bay and the local citizens,while radiating to the surrounding population to improve the service level of Daya Bay cultural facilities.This project organically integrates culture and commerce,culture and art,culture and architecture,culture and life,culture and tourism,and deeply constructs differentiated cultural products and services.It maximizes cultural experience,social attributes,and diversified commerce,providing a cultural experience and leisure consumption space that combines scenarios for the constantly upgrading spiritual needs of citizens,thereby driving the improvement of the urban quality of Daya Bay and strengthening its cultural competitiveness.
定位关键词:Positioning keywords:
Cultural Landmark,Urban Socializing,Diversified and Composite,Driven by Regional Development
(2)建设目标Construction objectives
①To enhance the cultural soft power of Daya Bay and create a new era cultural reception hall for Daya Bay.
②The southern cultural highland of Huizhou,a high-quality public social place,a cultural exchange platform with international influence.
③To create urban symbols that represent the future and fully integrate with locality with artistic,aesthetic,and unique qualities,and to become the focus of art and culture in Daya Bay.
Main design tasks(The final requirements are subject to the final Design Specification)
(1)建设内容Construction content
The total construction area of the Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park is 71,000 square meters,with building functions mainly including a library(20,000 square meters),cultural activities(with functions of a youth palace and a cultural center),and supporting commercial facilities.
(2)设计范围及主要工作内容Design scope and main work content
Design Scope and Main Work Content of Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park(Cultural Center)
The project site is located on the current Huimin Square in Daya Bay,to the west of the Daya Bay Sports Center.The project extends south to Square North Road,east to Zhongxing Middle Road,north to Shihua Avenue,and west to Huimin Square.The total land area is about 3.1 hectares.(See the red area in the figure below for details)
Land schematic diagram
During the competition design stage,the participating units should comprehensively consider the site selection of the Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park,the location of the site and established technical and economic indicators.The participating units should conduct an overall planning and design of the venue based on a comprehensive analysis of the functional positioning,spatial layout,traffic pattern,landscape afforestation,and underground space utilization,and propose a conceptual design scheme for the architecture and outdoor environment landscape of the Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park.
Scope and Main Work Content of Landscape Coordination Zone
During the design phase of the competition,the participating units shall comprehensively consider the spatial relationship between the buildings of the Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park and the surrounding environment.Starting from the overall and coordinated landscape,they integrate the Huimin Square next to the Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park,which covers an area of approximately 2.8 hectares(see the blue area in the figure below),and propose suggestions for the renovation and improvement of the Huimin Square.
Schematic diagram of design scope
(3)中选工作内容Selected work content
On the basis of the design results of the competition concept scheme and review comments from experts,the competition organizer,and relevant departments,the winning unit shall absorb the advantages of other participating schemes,modify,improve,and deepen the design scheme(excluding the landscape coordination area)within the land scope of the Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park project,ultimately completing the whole process design work covering the scheme design(including estimation),preliminary design(including budget estimate)and construction drawing,green building consultation(including green building pre-evaluation),sponge city construction,prefabricated building pre-evaluation,etc.This includes but is not limited to the following professional content:the overall layout,architecture(including green buildings),structure,water supply and drainage,electricity(including strong and weak electricity,intelligent electrical systems),fire protection,HVAC and air conditioning,landscape engineering,floodlighting,outdoor engineering,signage system,energy conservation,gas,steel structure,environmental greening,sponge city,prefabricated buildings,civil air defense,etc.involved in each stage;other ancillary facilities related to the main building and all design content during the project construction process;the interior conceptual design of the main indoor public spaces(lobby,elevator hall,and public restroom).
The winning unit shall cooperate with the competition organizer to carry out plan reports,publicity,and government approvals,and shall provide relevant materials and technical support.
III.Work rules
The competition work is divided into two stages:the first stage is pre-qualification;the second stage is design competition.
1.第一阶段:资格预审阶段The first stage—Prequalification
The open competition mode is adopted for this competition,in which the competition openly accepts applications from eligible domestic and international design units(including consortiums,the same below)that meet the qualification requirements for participation.
The prequalification committee that is legally formed by the competition organizer will evaluate the prequalification application documents submitted by the contestants.By means of registered voting and round-by-round voting,the five shortlisted design units will enter the competition design stage.
The five shortlisted design units will receive invitation letters from the competition organizer.If the shortlisted participating unit withdraws or ultimately gives up the competition due to non force majeure reasons,the participation deposit will not be refunded,and the competition organization unit has the right to refuse the participating unit to participate in any other competition of the competition organizer.
If the shortlisted design units withdraw from the competition,the competition organizer will fill vacancies in the order of ranking of alternative units.
2.竞赛设计阶段The second stage—Competition design
The five shortlisted design units will carry out the conceptual schematic design according to the requirements of the Competition Technical Documents subsequently issued,and submit the formal design results documents on time.Each unit is limited to submit 1 design proposal.The design scheme submitted by a design unit other than the shortlisted units will not be accepted.
The scheme evaluation committee established by the competition organizing unit in accordance with the law evaluates the submitted competition schemes,and selects three unordered winning schemes through registered voting and round by round voting.Then the organizing unit submits three winning schemes to the Daya Bay Area Planning Committee for comprehensive evaluation and determination of one winning scheme whose design unit will be the winning unit of the competition.The winning unit will shoulder the scheme design,preliminary design,and construction drawing design of the Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park,as well as the corresponding design fees for the selected design.
If the winning scheme hardly achieves the purpose of this competition,it can be left vacant.In the event that the winning unit is unable to fulfill the contract or abandons the subsequent winning design work,or if both parties fail to reach an agreement through negotiation,the competition organizer may choose another outstanding scheme unit to replace it based on the expert evaluation results,or the winning scheme unit may be vacant.
IV.Requirements of participation qualification
The participating applicant must be a legally registered enterprise or institution within or outside China.Registration from individuals and individual groups is not accepted.Domestic design units must have the qualification as an independent legal entity.Design units that have the following relationships can’t participate at the same time:?The legal persons of two or more companies are the same person;?The parent company,wholly owned subsidiary,and its controlled company.
The participating applicants(in the form of independent unit or consortium)must have a Grade A or above qualification in the engineering design and construction industry(construction engineering).If participating in the form of a consortium,at least one member unit must meet the above qualification requirements.
Applicants with rich experience in public cultural architecture design projects(in the form of independent unit or consortium)will be given priority.
The participating units can choose to participate independently or in the form of a consortium,and the number of members of the consortium shall not exceed 2 units.If participating in the form of a consortium,a consortium agreement must be submitted and the main unit of the consortium must be specified in the agreement.After signing the Consortium Agreement,each member of the consortium shall not participate alone in the competition in their own name,nor shall they form a new consortium or participate in other consortia,otherwise their qualification for the competition shall be invalid.
Note:The participating applicant must provide corresponding proof materials according to the requirements of the qualification requirements and the content specified in the pre-qualification application document.
V.Competition schedule
April 19 to May 4,2023:Announcement will be issued to accept the design unit to submit prequalification application documents.
May 10,2023:Evaluate the prequalification application documents and confirm the official participants.
May 12 to July 5,2023:The shortlisted design units start to work on schematic design.
The press conference(including Q&A)and site survey are scheduled on May 18,2023.
The expert evaluation meeting is scheduled on July 7,2023.
Note:The competition organizer reserves the right to adjust the competition schedule.As affected by the Covid-19 or other factors,the competition organizer may duly adjust the dates and the forms of specific meetings.The notice issued by the competition organizer shall prevail in this case.
1.竞赛费用Competition fee
The participating unit can receive the competition fee paid by the competition organizer after submitting the entry result documents that meet the requirements of the technical documents of the competition and passing the expert evaluation.Details are as follows:
The shortlisted participating units whose schemes are not selected as outstanding schemes will receive a cost compensation fee of 500,000 RMB per unit(RMB,including tax,the same below)paid by the competition organizer;
The outstanding units whose schemes are not selected as the winning scheme will receive a cost compensation fee and a winning bonus totaling 700,000 RMB per unit paid by the competition organizer;
Note:The participating units whose schemes are considered as invalid by the review committee will not be eligible for competition related fees.
2.中选设计费用Fee for the Winning Scheme
The provisional construction and installation engineering cost for this project is about 430 million RMB.The design fee for the winning scheme is calculated based on the construction and installation engineering cost and is tentatively set at 10.39 million RMB.The final design fee for the winning scheme will be based on the Engineering Survey and Design Fee Standard(Pricing[2002]No.10),with the project approved estimated construction and installation cost as the billing base,and combined with various adjustment coefficients(professional adjustment coefficient 1.0,engineering complexity adjustment coefficient 1.15,and additional adjustment coefficient 1.0)and the downward floating rate of 20%for accounting purposes.
VII,Announcement media
1.通知发布媒体Announcement media
(1)中国招投标公共服务平台China Tendering&Bidding Public
Service Platform(bulletin.cebpubservice.com)
(2)中招联合招标采购网Website of China joint bidding and procurement(www.365trade.com.cn/)
(3)宏达竞赛信息平台WANG TAT Competition Information Platform(www.wt-competition.com)
(4)archrace(www.archrace.com)及其同名微信公众号archrace and its WeChat official account
(5)设计竞赛网Website of Design Competition Network(www.shejijingsai.com)
(6)多维城市(微信公众号)Multidimensional city(WeChat Official Account)
(7)青年建筑(微信公众号)Youth Architects(WeChat Official Account)
(8)G人G品网(微信公众号)Craftsman Craftsmanship website(WeChat Official Account)
Noto:In case of any discrepancy between the announcement information published on the relevant websites,the information published on the“WANG TAT Competition Information Platform”shall prevail.
Prequalification results announcement release media
(1)中国招投标公共服务平台China Tendering&Bidding Public Service Platform(bulletin.cebpubservice.com)
(2)宏达竞赛信息平台WANG TAT Competition Information Platform(www.wt-competition.com)
3.通知附件下载Attachment download
VIII.Contact information
Competition Organizer:Huizhou Daya Bay Runhua Tourism Development Co.,Ltd
Contact person:13798269000 to Mr.Huang(Only for technical consulting)
Competition planning and consulting agency:Guangzhou Wangtat Project Management&Consultancy Group Co.,Ltd.
Contact person:020-87562291-8563 to Mr.Hu,Mob:16676049435(Consultation about the Competition)
Contact person:020-87562291-8586 to Mrs.Liu,Mob:13826464267
Address:5th Floor,Wangtat Construction&Investment Building,No.7 Second Street,Kehui Valley,99 Science Avenue,Guangzhou Science City,Guangzhou,Guangdong Province,China
1.设计范围图Design Scope Diagram
2.资格预审文件Prequalification Documents
3.格式文件Format Documents
Note:The information of this competition,please refer to Appendix 2 Prequalification documents,.The detailed description in Appendix 2 shall prevail.详情请点击:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/AvhJxp3zEMOY7HvxqSTBVQ




I.Project Description
1.项目名字Project name
Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park Architecture and Outdoor Environment Landscape Design Competition
2.组织机构Organizating unit
Competition organizer:Huizhou Daya Bay Runhua Tourism Development Co.,Ltd
Competition planning and consulting agency:Guangzhou Wangtat Project Management&Consultancy Group Co.,Ltd.
II.Project Overview
1.项目背景Project background
Daya Bay Development Zone is located in the southern part of Huizhou City,Guangdong Province,adjacent to Pingshan District,Shenzhen.It is 47 nautical miles away from Hong Kong,about 60 kilometers from the city center of Shenzhen,and about 120 kilometers from the city center of Dongguan.With a good investment and business environment and urban support,it is the only petrochemical base in the eastern coast of the Pearl River Delta,with outstanding geographical advantages.
In order to improve urban functions,promote the development of cultural industry,create a cultural highland in the city,and enhance the sense of harvest for the people’s spiritual life,we plan to build a Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park(Cultural Center)in the Administration and Business District.The place where the project is located is the administrative and business district of Daya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone,which is the core area of Daya Bay development.The main functions of the area are administrative,financial,commercial,and residential,with high-end planning positioning.
The construction of Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park(Cultural Center)will focus on the goal of“Becoming a cultural highland in the southern part of Huizhou,and creating high-quality public social spaces”,aiming to build the project into a public cultural landmark with domestic appeal,cultural influence,and regional impact,as well as a popular cultural business card and spiritual home for our citizens.
In order to promote the construction of public cultural facilities in Daya Bay at a high standard and a high level,we plan to organize the“Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park Architecture and Outdoor Environment Landscape Design Competition”,and publicly call for design schemes with international vision,high level and high standard to guide the construction of Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park.
2.项目定位与目标Project positioning and objectives
(1)项目定位project orientation
The core positioning of this project is to create a new urban cultural landmark,a check-in destination for urban tourism in GBA,and a new urban cultural experience destination.Our main service group is domestic and foreign tourists who travel to Daya Bay and the local citizens,while radiating to the surrounding population to improve the service level of Daya Bay cultural facilities.This project organically integrates culture and commerce,culture and art,culture and architecture,culture and life,culture and tourism,and deeply constructs differentiated cultural products and services.It maximizes cultural experience,social attributes,and diversified commerce,providing a cultural experience and leisure consumption space that combines scenarios for the constantly upgrading spiritual needs of citizens,thereby driving the improvement of the urban quality of Daya Bay and strengthening its cultural competitiveness.
定位关键词:Positioning keywords:
Cultural Landmark,Urban Socializing,Diversified and Composite,Driven by Regional Development
(2)建设目标Construction objectives
①To enhance the cultural soft power of Daya Bay and create a new era cultural reception hall for Daya Bay.
②The southern cultural highland of Huizhou,a high-quality public social place,a cultural exchange platform with international influence.
③To create urban symbols that represent the future and fully integrate with locality with artistic,aesthetic,and unique qualities,and to become the focus of art and culture in Daya Bay.
Main design tasks(The final requirements are subject to the final Design Specification)
(1)建设内容Construction content
The total construction area of the Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park is 71,000 square meters,with building functions mainly including a library(20,000 square meters),cultural activities(with functions of a youth palace and a cultural center),and supporting commercial facilities.
(2)设计范围及主要工作内容Design scope and main work content
Design Scope and Main Work Content of Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park(Cultural Center)
The project site is located on the current Huimin Square in Daya Bay,to the west of the Daya Bay Sports Center.The project extends south to Square North Road,east to Zhongxing Middle Road,north to Shihua Avenue,and west to Huimin Square.The total land area is about 3.1 hectares.(See the red area in the figure below for details)
Land schematic diagram
During the competition design stage,the participating units should comprehensively consider the site selection of the Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park,the location of the site and established technical and economic indicators.The participating units should conduct an overall planning and design of the venue based on a comprehensive analysis of the functional positioning,spatial layout,traffic pattern,landscape afforestation,and underground space utilization,and propose a conceptual design scheme for the architecture and outdoor environment landscape of the Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park.
Scope and Main Work Content of Landscape Coordination Zone
During the design phase of the competition,the participating units shall comprehensively consider the spatial relationship between the buildings of the Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park and the surrounding environment.Starting from the overall and coordinated landscape,they integrate the Huimin Square next to the Daya Bay Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park,which covers an area of approximately 2.8 hectares(see the blue area in the figure below),and propose suggestions for the renovation and improvement of the Huimin Square.
Schematic diagram of design scope
(3)中选工作内容Selected work content
On the basis of the design results of the competition concept scheme and review comments from experts,the competition organizer,and relevant departments,the winning unit shall absorb the advantages of other participating schemes,modify,improve,and deepen the design scheme(excluding the landscape coordination area)within the land scope of the Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park project,ultimately completing the whole process design work covering the scheme design(including estimation),preliminary design(including budget estimate)and construction drawing,green building consultation(including green building pre-evaluation),sponge city construction,prefabricated building pre-evaluation,etc.This includes but is not limited to the following professional content:the overall layout,architecture(including green buildings),structure,water supply and drainage,electricity(including strong and weak electricity,intelligent electrical systems),fire protection,HVAC and air conditioning,landscape engineering,floodlighting,outdoor engineering,signage system,energy conservation,gas,steel structure,environmental greening,sponge city,prefabricated buildings,civil air defense,etc.involved in each stage;other ancillary facilities related to the main building and all design content during the project construction process;the interior conceptual design of the main indoor public spaces(lobby,elevator hall,and public restroom).
The winning unit shall cooperate with the competition organizer to carry out plan reports,publicity,and government approvals,and shall provide relevant materials and technical support.
III.Work rules
The competition work is divided into two stages:the first stage is pre-qualification;the second stage is design competition.
1.第一阶段:资格预审阶段The first stage—Prequalification
The open competition mode is adopted for this competition,in which the competition openly accepts applications from eligible domestic and international design units(including consortiums,the same below)that meet the qualification requirements for participation.
The prequalification committee that is legally formed by the competition organizer will evaluate the prequalification application documents submitted by the contestants.By means of registered voting and round-by-round voting,the five shortlisted design units will enter the competition design stage.
The five shortlisted design units will receive invitation letters from the competition organizer.If the shortlisted participating unit withdraws or ultimately gives up the competition due to non force majeure reasons,the participation deposit will not be refunded,and the competition organization unit has the right to refuse the participating unit to participate in any other competition of the competition organizer.
If the shortlisted design units withdraw from the competition,the competition organizer will fill vacancies in the order of ranking of alternative units.
2.竞赛设计阶段The second stage—Competition design
The five shortlisted design units will carry out the conceptual schematic design according to the requirements of the Competition Technical Documents subsequently issued,and submit the formal design results documents on time.Each unit is limited to submit 1 design proposal.The design scheme submitted by a design unit other than the shortlisted units will not be accepted.
The scheme evaluation committee established by the competition organizing unit in accordance with the law evaluates the submitted competition schemes,and selects three unordered winning schemes through registered voting and round by round voting.Then the organizing unit submits three winning schemes to the Daya Bay Area Planning Committee for comprehensive evaluation and determination of one winning scheme whose design unit will be the winning unit of the competition.The winning unit will shoulder the scheme design,preliminary design,and construction drawing design of the Comprehensive Cultural and Creative Park,as well as the corresponding design fees for the selected design.
If the winning scheme hardly achieves the purpose of this competition,it can be left vacant.In the event that the winning unit is unable to fulfill the contract or abandons the subsequent winning design work,or if both parties fail to reach an agreement through negotiation,the competition organizer may choose another outstanding scheme unit to replace it based on the expert evaluation results,or the winning scheme unit may be vacant.
IV.Requirements of participation qualification
The participating applicant must be a legally registered enterprise or institution within or outside China.Registration from individuals and individual groups is not accepted.Domestic design units must have the qualification as an independent legal entity.Design units that have the following relationships can’t participate at the same time:?The legal persons of two or more companies are the same person;?The parent company,wholly owned subsidiary,and its controlled company.
The participating applicants(in the form of independent unit or consortium)must have a Grade A or above qualification in the engineering design and construction industry(construction engineering).If participating in the form of a consortium,at least one member unit must meet the above qualification requirements.
Applicants with rich experience in public cultural architecture design projects(in the form of independent unit or consortium)will be given priority.
The participating units can choose to participate independently or in the form of a consortium,and the number of members of the consortium shall not exceed 2 units.If participating in the form of a consortium,a consortium agreement must be submitted and the main unit of the consortium must be specified in the agreement.After signing the Consortium Agreement,each member of the consortium shall not participate alone in the competition in their own name,nor shall they form a new consortium or participate in other consortia,otherwise their qualification for the competition shall be invalid.
Note:The participating applicant must provide corresponding proof materials according to the requirements of the qualification requirements and the content specified in the pre-qualification application document.
V.Competition schedule
April 19 to May 4,2023:Announcement will be issued to accept the design unit to submit prequalification application documents.
May 10,2023:Evaluate the prequalification application documents and confirm the official participants.
May 12 to July 5,2023:The shortlisted design units start to work on schematic design.
The press conference(including Q&A)and site survey are scheduled on May 18,2023.
The expert evaluation meeting is scheduled on July 7,2023.
Note:The competition organizer reserves the right to adjust the competition schedule.As affected by the Covid-19 or other factors,the competition organizer may duly adjust the dates and the forms of specific meetings.The notice issued by the competition organizer shall prevail in this case.
1.竞赛费用Competition fee
The participating unit can receive the competition fee paid by the competition organizer after submitting the entry result documents that meet the requirements of the technical documents of the competition and passing the expert evaluation.Details are as follows:
The shortlisted participating units whose schemes are not selected as outstanding schemes will receive a cost compensation fee of 500,000 RMB per unit(RMB,including tax,the same below)paid by the competition organizer;
The outstanding units whose schemes are not selected as the winning scheme will receive a cost compensation fee and a winning bonus totaling 700,000 RMB per unit paid by the competition organizer;
Note:The participating units whose schemes are considered as invalid by the review committee will not be eligible for competition related fees.
2.中选设计费用Fee for the Winning Scheme
The provisional construction and installation engineering cost for this project is about 430 million RMB.The design fee for the winning scheme is calculated based on the construction and installation engineering cost and is tentatively set at 10.39 million RMB.The final design fee for the winning scheme will be based on the Engineering Survey and Design Fee Standard(Pricing[2002]No.10),with the project approved estimated construction and installation cost as the billing base,and combined with various adjustment coefficients(professional adjustment coefficient 1.0,engineering complexity adjustment coefficient 1.15,and additional adjustment coefficient 1.0)and the downward floating rate of 20%for accounting purposes.
VII,Announcement media
1.通知发布媒体Announcement media
(1)中国招投标公共服务平台China Tendering&Bidding Public
Service Platform(bulletin.cebpubservice.com)
(2)中招联合招标采购网Website of China joint bidding and procurement(www.365trade.com.cn/)
(3)宏达竞赛信息平台WANG TAT Competition Information Platform(www.wt-competition.com)
(4)archrace(www.archrace.com)及其同名微信公众号archrace and its WeChat official account
(5)设计竞赛网Website of Design Competition Network(www.shejijingsai.com)
(6)多维城市(微信公众号)Multidimensional city(WeChat Official Account)
(7)青年建筑(微信公众号)Youth Architects(WeChat Official Account)
(8)G人G品网(微信公众号)Craftsman Craftsmanship website(WeChat Official Account)
Noto:In case of any discrepancy between the announcement information published on the relevant websites,the information published on the“WANG TAT Competition Information Platform”shall prevail.
Prequalification results announcement release media
(1)中国招投标公共服务平台China Tendering&Bidding Public Service Platform(bulletin.cebpubservice.com)
(2)宏达竞赛信息平台WANG TAT Competition Information Platform(www.wt-competition.com)
3.通知附件下载Attachment download
VIII.Contact information
Competition Organizer:Huizhou Daya Bay Runhua Tourism Development Co.,Ltd
Contact person:13798269000 to Mr.Huang(Only for technical consulting)
Competition planning and consulting agency:Guangzhou Wangtat Project Management&Consultancy Group Co.,Ltd.
Contact person:020-87562291-8563 to Mr.Hu,Mob:16676049435(Consultation about the Competition)
Contact person:020-87562291-8586 to Mrs.Liu,Mob:13826464267
Address:5th Floor,Wangtat Construction&Investment Building,No.7 Second Street,Kehui Valley,99 Science Avenue,Guangzhou Science City,Guangzhou,Guangdong Province,China
1.设计范围图Design Scope Diagram
2.资格预审文件Prequalification Documents
3.格式文件Format Documents
Note:The information of this competition,please refer to Appendix 2 Prequalification documents,.The detailed description in Appendix 2 shall prevail.详情请点击:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/AvhJxp3zEMOY7HvxqSTBVQ




更新时间:2023-11-15 17:48:27



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