Global Scheme Solicitation of Overall Planning
and Urban Design of Qingshuihe Science
and Innovation New City
I.Project Background
郫都区作为全国首批双创示范基地,科教资源富集,科创赋能转型的内需动力巨大,特别是清水河贯通青羊、金牛、高新和郫都区,串联成飞园区、电子科大、万亿级电子信息产业基地、国盾项目等。将清水河郫都――高新段打造成为引领西部电子信息产业发展的科创走廊、展现成都“科创引领、智造赋能、校地共兴、产城融合”的示范窗口具有深厚的发展基础和广阔的发展前景。As the first batch of demonstration bases for innovation and entrepreneurship in the country, Pidu District boasts ample science and education resources, and huge domestic demands for science and innovation enabled transformation. In particular, Qingshuihe River connects Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Park, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, a trillion-yuan-size electronic information base, Guodun projects, etc. Building the Qingshuihe River Pidu High-tech Section into a science and technology innovation corridor to lead the development of the western electronic information industry, and a demonstrative window showcasing Chengdu's "science and innovation leadership, intelligent manufacturing enablement, college-locality co-prosperity, and industry-city integration" is of a profound development foundation and broad development prospects.
为认真贯彻落实郫都区第十五次党代会精神,紧紧围绕“科创高地、锦绣郫都”目标定位,锚定“一心两廊三片”总体布局,郫都区现特向全球优秀设计机构征集《成都市郫都区清水河科创新城总体策划和城市设计国际咨询方案》,旨在通过清水河科创新城的策划和规划设计,推进郫都区创新能级提升、产业提档升级、公园社区营造,建设宜居宜业宜创的科创高地,打造城市未来新中心、转型发展新引擎。加快科技自主创新步伐,推动“双创基地”向“科创高地”跃升,打造西部有影响力的创新策源地、有显示度的产业聚集地、有竞争力的人才栖息地。In order to earnestly implement the guidelines of the 15th Party Congress of Pidu District, be tightly centered on the target positioning of "Splendid Pidu, a Highland of Science and Innovation", and anchor the overall layout of “one core, two corridors and three area”, Pidu District hereby solicits the Overall Planning of Qingshuihe Science and Innovation New City, Pidu District, Chengdu and the International Consulting Scheme for Urban Design from outstanding global design institutions, aiming at raising the innovation level, upgrading the industries and creating the park communities of Pidu District through the planning and design of Qingshuihe Science Innovation New City, building a Highland of Science and Innovation that is friendly for living, industry and innovation, creating a new future urban center and a new engine for transformation and development, accelerating the pace of independent technological innovation, propelling leap from an "entrepreneurship and innovation base" to a "Highland of Science and Innovation", as well as creating an influential innovation source in the west, a visible industrial cluster, and a competitive talent habitat.
本次征集活动采用面向全球公开征集的方式,诚邀国际及国内顶级的具有策划及规划设计经验的咨询设计机构参与,最终实现高标准、高质量完成清水河科创新城总体策划和城市设计。Adopting the method of global public solicitation, the solicitation sincerely invites top-level consultation and design institutions with planning and design experience from home and abroad to join, so as to eventually attain the Overall Planning of Qingshuihe Science and Innovation New City and the Scheme for Urban Design with high standard and high quality.
II.Project Overview
1、项目名字:清水河科创新城总体策划和城市设计全球方案征集1. Project name: Global Scheme Solicitation of Overall Planning and Urban Design of Qingshuihe Science and Innovation New City2、项目地点:中国・四川・成都郫都区西南部(包含友爱街道、德源街道、西园街道、郫筒街道。)2. Project location: Southwest of Pidu District, Sichuan, China (including Youhai Street, Deyuan Street, Xiyuan Street and Pitong Street.)3、项目规模3. Project scale清水河科创新城距离天府广场约21km,东邻郫都区南北大道,北邻望丛中路、地铁6号线,南接温江区、西接都江堰市。项目规模共计约106平方公里。其中:城区部分约35平方公里,乡村区域约71平方公里。21km away from Tianfu Square, Qingshuihe Science and Innovation New City is adjacent to Nanbei Avenue of Pidu District in the east, Wangcong Middle Road and Metro Line 6 in the north, Wenjiang District in the south, and Dujiangyan City in the west with a total scale of about 106 square kilometers, among which: The urban area is about 35 square kilometers, and the rural area covers about 71 square kilometers.4、咨询内容4. Consultation content咨询工作主要包含两个方面的内容:一是郫都区清水河科创新城总体策划;二是郫都区清水河科创新城总体城市设计。要求统筹考虑总体策划和总体城市设计,形成策划与设计相融合、产业功能与空间形态相契合的总体咨询方案。The consulting work mainly includes two aspects: First, the overall planning of the Qingshuihe Science and Innovation New City, Pidu District; second, the overall urban design of the Qingshuihe Science and Innovation New City, Pidu District. It is required to form the overall consultation scheme that integrates planning and design and dovetails industrial functions and spatial morphology via unifying the overall planning and overall urban design.
成都市蜀都城镇建设有限公司Chengdu Shudu Urban Construction Co., Ltd.
IV.Qualifications and Requirements of Applicants
(一)报名要求(1) Application requirements本次咨询采用全球公开报名的方式,中国境内外具有相关设计经验的设计单位/团队均可报名参加,报名时须满足以下资格要求:This consultation adopts a global public application method. Design units/teams with relevant design experience in China and abroad may apply for participation. The following qualification requirements must be met upon application:1、中国境内应征人须满足以下资格要求:1. Applicants in China must meet the following qualification requirements:(1)中国境内设计单位/团队必须具有在有效期经营内的合法性证明文件,且必须为独立企业法人或其他组织或取得合法授权的分支单位(应征人如为中国港、澳、台地区机构,须在其所在地具有合法营业及设计许可);(1) The design unit/team in China must have certification documents of legitimacy within the valid period of operation, and must be an independent corporate legal person or other organization or a legally authorized branch unit (if the applicant is an institution in Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan region), it must have a legal business and design license in its location);(2)具有行政主管部门颁发的城乡规划编制甲级资质;(2) The design unit/team must possess Grade A qualification for urban and rural planning preparation issued by the competent administrative department;(3)法定代表人为同一个人的两个及两个以上法人,母公司、全资子公司及其控股公司,不得同时报名应征。(3) The parent company, wholly owned subsidiary and its holding company with two and more legal representatives as the same person must not apply at the same time.2、中国境外应征人须满足以下资格要求:2. Applicants outside China must meet the following qualification requirements:境外设计单位必须为所在地合法注册的设计单位(提供企业境内注册登记证书复印件加盖单位鲜章。)The overseas design unit must be a legally registered design unit in the locality (a copy of the domestic registration certificate of the enterprise affixed with its company fresh seal must be provided)(二)参与方式(2) Participation method1、允许设计单位/团队以联合体形式报名。联合体应征时,须提供联合体协议书,联合体成员数量不超过2家,且联合体各方不得再单独以自己名义,或者与另外的设计单位/团队组成联合体参加此次活动。1. The design unit/team is allowed to apply in the form of a consortium. When applying for a consortium, a Consortium Agreement must be provided. The number of consortium members should not exceed two, and all consortium parties must not participate in the solicitation in their own names or form a consortium with other design units/teams.2、独立参与的中国港、澳、台地区机构或国外机构如不具备城乡规划编制甲级资质,需在中选后联合一家具备城乡规划编制甲级资质的规划设计机构完成后续方案优化工作。2. Institutions from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, China or foreign institutions independently participating in the consultation without Grade A qualification for urban and rural planning shall join with a Grade A qualified planning and design institution to complete the subsequent scheme optimization after being selected.(三)团队要求(3) Team requirements根据本次征集活动的特点,拟投入团队的成员应为该设计单位/团队的在册人员,包含但不限于规划、建筑、景观专业人员:According to the characteristics of this solicitation, team members to be involved should be the registered personnel of the design unit/team, including but not limited to planning, architecture, and landscape professionals:1、如设计单位/团队为境外单位/团队,为了保证项目设计人员对中国地区背景和相关要求的准确理解,项目设计人员中应至少有一名精通中文的人士。1. If the design unit/team is an overseas unit/team, in order to ensure that the project designers have an accurate understanding of the Chinese background and related requirements, there should be at least one person who is proficient in Chinese among the project designers.2、参与本次征集的主创设计师需具有类似项目的主持设计经验,且须直接参与设计全过程(主创设计师至少应亲自参与征集活动的工作汇报及方案评审汇报等工作)。在活动过程中若主创设计师与资格审查材料所提交的团队人员不符,征集人有权取消设计机构活动参与资格。2. The chief designers participating this solicitation need to be experienced in presiding design of similar projects, and must participate in the whole design process directly (the chief designer must have at least participated in the work report and scheme review report of solicitations in person). During the solicitation, if the chief designer does not match the team member profile submitted in the qualification review materials, the host has the right to cancel the participation qualification of the design agency.(四) 业绩:2017年1月1日以来(以合同签订时间为准)具有至少1个规划设计类似业绩,业绩须为被采纳且正在实施或已经投入使用的中标(选)方案,并提供合同或其他证明材料。(4) Performance: Since January 1, 2017 (subject to the time of contract signing), there is at least 1 similar performance in planning and design, and the performance must be the winning bid (selected) plan that has been adopted and is being implemented or has been put into use, and provide contract or other proof materials. -
IV.Application Methods
1、本次咨询活动报名时间为2022年1月8日至2022年 1月18日9:00~17:00(北京时间,下同)。1. Application time of this consultation is 9:00-17:00 from January 8, 2022 to January 18, 2022 (Beijing time, similarly hereinafter).2、报名资料的递交可采用以下两种方式:2. Application materials may be submitted via the following two methods:
方式1:现场方式Method 1: In-person应征人应在报名截止时间前,将填写完整的报名表、应征资料等报名资料纸质文件送达至以下地址:成都市新都区三河街道蓉香路148号附201号,接收人:刘女士,曹女士,电话:189 8193 8999(送达的资料以送达征集人时间为准,在截止时间以后收到的文件将被拒绝)。报名资料宜双面打印,装订成册,文本 A4 尺寸,提交1份纸质资料和与纸质资料内容保持一致的电子文档(须加盖公章,如为联合体,则联合体成员单位均须加盖公章或签字);Applicants must deliver the completed application form, application materials and other paper-based documents of application materials to the following address: Attached No. 201, No. 148, Rongxiang Road, Sanhe Street, Xindu District, Chengdu City, Recipient: Ms. Liu, Ms. Cao, Tel: 189 8193 8999 (The delivery time of materials refers to the service time when materials are sent to the host, and documents received after the deadline will be rejected). The application materials should be preferably printed on both sides and bound in a volume, and the size of the text should be A4. Submit 1 copy of paper materials and electronic documents consistent with the content of the paper materials (affixed with an official seal, if it is a consortium, all members of the consortium must affix their official seals or sign);
方式2:网络方式Method 2: Internet应征人应在报名截止时间前,将填写完整的报名表、应征资料等报名资料签章后以PDF形式发送至指定邮箱:3309663708@qq.com,PDF文件应按照A4尺寸制作。同时,应征人应主动联系确认报名资料送达情况,并自行承担通过电子邮件传送过程发生的意外事件导致的报名资料未及时送达可能造成的风险。Method 2: Applicants shall, before the deadline of application, send application documents such as the completed application forms and application materials in PDF format after signing and affixing their seals to the designated email: 3309663708@qq.com. At the same time, applicants should take the initiative to contact and confirm the delivery status of the application materials, and bear the risk that the application materials may not be delivered in time due to accidents in the e-mail sending process.3、报名资料内容及要求,详见本通知附件1《清水河科创新城总体策划和城市设计全球方案征集征集文件》、附件2《清水河科创新城总体策划和城市设计全球方案征集报名表》、附件3《联合体协议书》。3. For details of application material contents and requirements, please refer to Appendix 1 Global Scheme Solicitation Documents of Overall Planning and Urban Design of Qingshuihe Science and Innovation New City, Appendix 2 Application Form of Global Scheme Solicitation of Overall Planning and Urban Design of Qingshuihe Science and Innovation New City, and Appendix 3 Consortium Agreement.
VI.Consultation Description
1、本次咨询工作分两个阶段:第一阶段――公开报名和遴选入围;第二阶段――方案编制及评审。1. This consultation is divided into two phases: Phase I ― Open application and selection; Phase II ― Scheme preparation and review.1.1第一阶段――公开报名和遴选入围1.1 Phase I -- Open application and selection发布全球征集通知公开报名,经过遴选评审委员会评选,遴选出3家准入围单位/团队(须排序)。Issue global solicitation announcement for public application and select 3 finalist units/teams after the evaluation of selection jury (ranked in sequence).1.2第二阶段――方案编制及评审1.2 Phase II -- Plan preparation and review.经行政主管部门最终审核通过的3家入围机构按照《技术任务书》要求提交成果文件,按抽签顺序进行方案阐述;评审委员会结合入围机构的成果文件进行综合比较与评审,对优胜方案进行排序推荐;征集人将评审委员会推荐的结果报行政主管部门确定中选机构,承担后续规划设计工作。The 3 finalists that pass the final review of competent administrative department should submit their deliverables in accordance with the Design Brief, and expound their schemes in accordance with drawing order; in combination with deliverables of the finalists, the jury conducts comprehensive comparison and review, and ranks the winning schemes for recommendation; the host shall report recommendations of the jury to the competent administrative department to determine the selected institution for undertaking the subsequent planning and design work.2、本次征集活动提交了成果文件且获优胜奖的3家单位/团队,分别获得优胜奖金人民币300 万元/家(含税);最终优胜中选单位/团队1名,获得本次咨询活动服务合同,方案深化费用人民币800万元(含税)。2. The 3 units/teams that have submitted deliverables and won bonuses during the solicitation will respectively receive a bonus of 3 million yuan (including tax); the eventual winner will receive a bonus of 8 million yuan as the fee of the service contract of this consultation and the scheme development (including tax).
VII.Requirements of Design Deliverables
1、内容要求1. Content requirements设计成果应满足国家、四川省及成都市相关规定、标准及设计规范,包括但不限于以下内容:总体定位、发展目标、产业发展策划、空间布局模式、分期建设计划、运营策划等。Design deliverables should comply with relevant regulations, standards and design codes of the state, Sichuan Province and Chengdu City, including but not limited to the follow contents: Overall positioning, development goals, industrial development planning, spatial layout mode, phased construction plan, operational planning, etc.2、规格要求2. Specification requirements所有设计机构提交的成果文件规格必须满足以下要求:All deliverables submitted by consulting design institutions shall meet the following requirements:2.1评审展板数量为8张(只接受8张展板),规格为A1(594mmx841mm);图板请附有排列顺序的说明或序号。2.1 The number of review boards is 8 (only 8 boards will be accepted), in A1 size (594mm x 841mm); the drawing board shall be attached with a description of sequence or serial numbers.2.2成果文本15套,规格为A3铜版纸装订,内可附A2或A1相关图纸(附图纸质类型自理)。2.2 15 sets of the detailed deliverable text, bound in A3 size with coated paper, may be attached with relevant drawings in A2 or A1 size (attached drawing paper type is decided by oneself)2.3成果的电子文件2份(U盘)。2.3 2 electronic deliverables (in USB disc).2.4多媒体汇报文件(PPT及其他Windows系统常用视频格式)。汇报时间宜控制在30分钟以内,汇报中应含项目相关的三维动画展示视频。2.4 Multimedia presentation files (PPT and other common video formats of Windows system). Presentation duration should be within 25 minutes, including 3D animated videos related to the project.3、设计成果有效性 3. Validity of design deliverables在规定截止时间前送达,并满足技术任务书要求的文件为有效设计成果,有下列情形之一者,视为无效设计成果:Documents that are delivered before the specified deadline and meet the requirements of the Design Brief are deemed as valid design deliverables, while other documents under one of the following circumstances will be considered as invalid design deliverables:3.1设计成果逾期送达的;3.1 Design deliverables that are delivered after the deadline;3.2设计成果提交后,更改设计成果内容的。3.2 Design deliverables with altered contents after submission;3.3 经专家评审委员会半数以上(含半数)评委认定设计成果非原创、已经发表过、与其它创意方案雷同的或设计成果深度未达到技术任务书要求的。3.3 Where more than half (including half) of the expert jury members determine that design deliverables are not original, have been already published, are identical to other design schemes, or fail to meet requirements of Design Brief in terms of design deliverables' extent;
VIII.Copyright Issues and Law
1、所有参加本次活动的设计成果署名权归设计单位/团队所有,凡提交的所有设计成果不退回设计单位/团队,征集人有权无偿使用所有设计成果,包括在评审结束后公布评审成果,并通过传媒、专业杂志、专业书刊或其它形式介绍、展示及评价设计成果。1. The right of authorship in all design deliverables of the solicitation belongs to the design units/teams, while all submitted design deliverables will not be returned to the design units/teams. The host is entitled to use of all design deliverables for free, including announcement of review results after the review, as well as introduction, display and evaluation of design deliverables via media, specialized journals, specialized books or other forms.2、设计单位/团队应保证设计成果中所有内容均为设计单位/团队原创,不得包含任何侵犯第三方知识产权的资料。如发生侵权行为,由侵权的设计单位/团队自行承担一切法律后果,并取消其参与本次活动的资格。2. Design units/teams should ensure all contents in design deliverables are their original work without any materials infringing the intellectual property rights of third parties. In case of an infringement act, the infringing design units/teams must bear all legal consequences themselves, and will be disqualified from the solicitation.3、征集人提供的所有资料(文字、图纸、电子数据等)均受版权保护。未经授权,任何单位和个人不得将内容复制、改编、分发、发布、外借、转让,否则将依法追究其相应法律责任,并取消其参与本次活动的资格。3. All materials (text, drawings, electronic data, etc.) provided by the host are protected by copyright. Any unit or individual must not copy, adapt, distribute, publish, lend or transfer these materials without authorization, otherwise corresponding legal liability will be ascertained according to law, and the unit or individual will be disqualified from the solicitation.4、本次活动规则受中华人民共和国法律管辖,活动工作和所有文件适用中国法律,若发生争议,经协商不成时,双方同意提交成都仲裁委员会进行仲裁。4. Rules of this solicitation are governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. The solicitation work and all documents are subject to the Chinese laws. Should negotiation fail in case of a dispute, both parties agree to submit to the Chengdu Arbitration Commission for arbitration.5、活动结束前,设计单位/团队或其设计人员未征得征集人的许可,不得以任何方式披露、公开或展示设计成果,否则将依法追究其相应法律责任,并取消其参与本次活动的资格。5. Prior to the end of the solicitation, design units/teams or their designers must not disclose, publish or display design deliverables in any form unless the host permits, otherwise the corresponding legal liability will be ascertained according to law, and the units/teams or their designers will be disqualified from the solicitation.6、解释权:本次咨询活动及相关文件的最终解释权归征集人,解释语言以中文为准。6. Right of interpretation: The host reserves the right of the final interpretation of this consultation and relevant documents. The interpretation language shall be Chinese. -
IX.Solicitation Announcement Media
中国采购与招标网(http://www.chinabidding.com.cn/)China Bidding Website (http://www.chinabidding.com.cn/)中国政府采购网(http://www.ccgp.gov.cn/)China Central Government Procurement Website (http://www.ccgp.gov.cn/)采购与招标网(https://www.chinabidding.cn/)Bidding Website (https://www.chinabidding.cn/)中国招标投标公共服务平台(https://bulletin.cebpubservice.com/)China Tendering&BiddingPublic Service Platform(https://bulletin.cebpubservice.com/)中国城市规划网(http://www.planning.org.cn/)National Planning Website (http://www.planning.org.cn/)郫都区人民政府门户网(http://www.pidu.gov.cn)Pidu District People’s Government Website (http://www.pidu.gov.cn)红星新闻(app)Red Star News (APP)封面新闻(https://www.thecover.cn/)Cover News (https://www.thecover.cn/)同步发布,同时在ABBS建筑论坛及公众号发布报名信息。The announcement will be released on the websites above simultaneously. Meanwhile, the application information will be posted on ABBS website and its WeChat Official Account.
X.Host and Contact Information
征集人:成都市蜀都城镇建设有限公司 Host: Chengdu Shudu Urban Construction Co., Ltd.地 址:成都市郫都区何公路28号西盛大厦 Address: Xisheng Building, 28 Hegong Road, Pidu District, Chengdu邮 箱:3309663708@qq.comE-mail:3309663708@qq.com联系人及联系电话: Contact person and contact tel:刘女士、曹女士(中文):028-83939083,18981938999;Ms. Liu, Ms. Cao (Chinese): 028-83939083,18981938999;权先生(英文):0086-28-60200078James Quan (English): 0086-28-60200078 附件:Appendix:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vRP-yKiRVT89tapNjCJRMg 提取码: 7070Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vRP-yKiRVT89tapNjCJRMg Code: 7070附件1、《清水河科创新城总体策划和城市设计全球方案征集征集文件》Appendix 1. Global Scheme Solicitation Documents of Overall Planning and Urban Design of Qingshuihe Science and Innovation New City附件2、《清水河科创新城总体策划和城市设计全球方案征集报名表》Appendix 2. Application Form of Global Scheme Solicitation of Overall Planning and Urban Design of Qingshuihe Science and Innovation New City附件3、《联合体协议书》Appendix 3. Consortium Agreement
