







更新时间:2023-01-03 19:38:50

Project background
According to work requirements of the overall development programme of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council of the People's Republic of China“Guidance on Promoting the Reform and Development of Museums”,the Fengdu County Party Committee and the county government start aim to promote the prosperous development of Fengdu culture,showcase the excellent traditional culture of Fengdu,take cultural interaction,cultural interpretation and cultural leisure as the orientation,in order to focus on the development history of Fengdu,the value of humanistic landscape,the great achievements of migrant development and the future development trend,build and develop a museum and scientific research and education base that integrates exhibition,science and popularization,and has exemplary significance in the country and important influence in the world.Thus the international solicitation of Fengdu museum architecture design and detailed urban design is going.
According to the requirements of building a museum for national and world tourists,it hopes teams with relevant experience in urban and architectural design could participate this international solicitation to provide high-level design proposals.

Design scope and scale
Fengdu Museum,which is proposed to be a second-class museum,is located in near the Shuanggui Huating Project of Mingshan Ancient City of Mingshan Group in Fengdu County,with the Yangtze River in the south and the Mingshan Scenic Area in the north.The urban design scope is approximately 12Ha.The total area of the museum building and exhibition is about 2.27 Ha(about 34 acres).The building scale is about 18,000 square meters.
图片图:设计范围示意图Picture 1:Designing area

Design content
This solicitation includes 3 parts:urban design,architectural design,and exhibition planning.
(一)Urban design:In approximately 12Ha land area,design teams focuses Comprehensive and systematic design the development positioning,overall spatial structure,comprehensive transportation,spatial form,public space,ecological landscape system of the area,connected with the entrance of the museum and famous scenic spots,and commercial facilities.
(二)Architectural design:The architectural design site covers an area of approximately 2.27 hectares,which requires an analytical research of the site,an in-depth demonstration of traffic flow,landscape sight lines and environmental coordination.The architectural design scheme should be integrated and unified in terms of spatial functions,visitor flow and architectural style,including and not limited to communication,sightseeing,art appreciation and entertainment functions.The specific scale of the building can be optimised and adjusted in conjunction with the scheme design,provided that the scale of each function is met.The design scheme should include investment estimates and a conceptual analysis of the economic rationality of the submitted scheme.
(三)Exhibition planning:the overall exhibition planning should be related to the function of the building.

Solicitation form
This scheme solicitation adopt method of public registration.Three high-level design entities(including the consortiums)will be selected from open application and qualification examination in the solicitation.Once the announcement is published,the application will start.If not enough 3 design entities(including the consortiums),the solicitation will invited the relevant entities to participate by the method of intention invitation.

Open application and qualification examination
(一)The application(including the consortium)must be an independent legal entity.The application(including the consortium)of domestic institutions must meeting the requirements of Class A(including Architectural Association Class A)or above qualification in the architectural industry(architectural engineering).The application(including the consortium)of foreign institutions should have a legal relevant business scope(planning or architecture)in its country or region,and has registered a foreign legal entity sole proprietorship in China with a legal business licence(design or engineering consultancy).
(二)The consortium partners should sign the Consortium Agreement with legal effect,and specify the leading entity,the list of team members,division of labour and proportion of work of all parties in this solicitation.Any member of the consortium shall not enter into any other consortium with other design entities independently or in any other name.It is encouraged to set up a consortium to register with experienced exhibition planning entities.
(三)Applicant(including the consortium)performance requirements:since 1 January 2000,there has been at least one contract amount not less than 2 million(including 2 million)or two similar projects with contract amount not less than 1 million(including 1 million)(copies of the contract must be provided and stamped with the applicant's official seal).The performance awards of the applicant(including the consortium),the experience and performance awards of the lead designer and the qualifications of the team members will be taken as important references in the qualification assessment.
(四)The team configuration of applicants(including consortia)participating in this solicitation should include architectural design,urban design,exhibition planning,landscape design and other related disciplines.Designers should be registered staff of the design entities;the designer-in-chief should have presided over a number of projects of the same type,and should be directly involved in the whole process of this solicitation for proposals,including attending the kick-off meeting,participating in the site survey and reporting and evaluation meetings;the designer-in-chief should attend the subsequent evaluation meetings during the subsequent design stage,according to owners'requirements.During the design process,if the chief designer is inconsistent with the information submitted in the pre-qualification materials or the chief designer is changed without the approval of the organiser,the participation qualification will be deemed invalid,and the organiser will bring its entities and individuals into relevant integrity management.

Registration time and Submission of pre-qualification application documents
(一)Registration time:Registration starts on May 5,2023(Beijing time).The deadline for registration is 17:00,May 11,2023(Beijing time).The deadline for submission of pre-qualification application documents is 17:00 on 11 May 2023,and relevant information must be delivered to the designated place before the deadline,at the Chongqing Planning Affairs Center(1213,Building 2,Planning,Surveying and Mapping Innovation Base,Yubei District,Chongqing).Online mail registration is not accepted in this solicitation.If it is delivered late or not delivered to the designated place,the pre-qualification registration document will not be accepted by the solicitor.
(二)Application Document Requirements:One electronic file and one paper file should be submitted during the application stage,named"XX(organization name)Chongqing Fengdu Museum Architectural Scheme Design and Area Detailed Urban Design Solicitation for Applications",containing the application form,pre-qualification PPT,consortium division of work and team main personnel composition table.The application documents should include:basic information of the design entities;business licence/certificate of business registration;copies of qualification certificates with company seal or signature;consortium agreement,work division plan of consortium members;relevant performance of the design entities;relevant performance of the designer-in-chief;members of the design team,etc.Details are as attached.
Note:Applicant organisations should be legally responsible for the authenticity and legality of the above-mentioned materials submitted,and the organisers have the right to disqualify their applications if there are any inconsistencies with objective facts or violations of the law.
(三)Deposit:To ensure the quality of the call for proposals,the selected design entities should confirm their participation in the solicitation for proposals and submit a confirmation letter and pay RMB 20,000 to the contractor as a deposit before the launch,bank and account number:Ping An Bank of Chongqing Jiangbei Sub-branch 11003880376201(Chongqing Planning Affairs Centre),the deposit will be refunded in full after the evaluation of the proposals;the deposit will not be refunded if the design results are not submitted according to the stipulated requirements.

Solicitation for Proposals Bonus
Three entities submitted outcome documents that met the requirements of the solicitation for Proposals,which were evaluated by an expert jury,and the selection scheme and selection opinions were submitted to the County Planning Committee for consideration to determine the final ranking of the three schemes.
(一)The County Planning Committee will select the final winning scheme among the three schemes.The design entities of this scheme will be responsible for forming an optimised and integrated scheme based on the comments of the expert review and the County Planning Committee and the merits of the other schemes,and will receive a further design fee of RMB 2.48 million after being reviewed and approved by the organizer.The remaining two design agencies were awarded a prize of RMB 380,000 each,and those whose proposals were judged by the experts to be invalid were not eligible for the prize.
(二)All expenses are paid by the design entities,and all prizes for the call for proposals are tax inclusive,and payment procedures will commence after the final results are announced.

Time planning
(一)Publication of the call for applications:5 May 2023.
(二)Registration for design entities:before 17:00 on 11 May 2023.
(三)Pre-qualification screening:before 17:00 on 18 May 2023.
(四)Solicitation for invitations and confirmations:Before 23 May 2023,17:00(expected).
(五)Launch meeting and site visit:30 May 2023 before 17:00(expected).
(六)Submission of results(paper and electronic):Before 30 June 2023,17:00(expected).
(七)Programme expert review:before 17:00 on 5 July 2023(expected).
(八)The County Planning Committee will be judged at a time to be determined by the organisers.
All times are based on Beijing time and the organisers reserve the right to adjust the schedule.

Results requirements
The design output mainly consists of a text(including design notes and drawings)and a multimedia presentation document.The design text is bound in A3 size in 15 copies(1 original and 14 copies).The multimedia presentation file should be no more than 30 minutes,including at least one minute of animation,which should be produced using a popular Chinese application.Two sets of electronic files(USB memory sticks)with the same content as those submitted will also be provided.(The final call for proposals will be subject to the final published Call for Proposals)

Organisation structure
Host entity:Fengdu District People’s Government of Chongqing Municipality
Chongqing Planning&Natural Resources Bureau
Undertaking entity:Fengfu District Planning&Natural Resources Bureau of Chongqing
Fengdu County Culture and Tourism Development Committee
Signatory:Chongqing Fengdu Urban Construction Investment Group Co.,Ltd
Organising entity:Chongqing Planning Affairs Center
The host entity and the undertaking entity have the right to determine the schedule of relevant activities according to the specific situation,and have the final interpretation right to this scheme solicitation activity.
The organising entity is responsible for the specific work of the organisation for the preparation of this scheme solicitation,and the relevant letters confirmed by the host entity or undertaking entity have the same effect.
Contact details:Mr.Wang(+),
Mr Li(+).
Address:1213,Building 2,No.339 Longshan Avenue,Yubei District,Chongqing
(This Article is made out in both English and Chinese versions.We hereby set Chinese version as standard and English version as a reference should any conflicts accrued.)





Project background
According to work requirements of the overall development programme of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council of the People's Republic of China“Guidance on Promoting the Reform and Development of Museums”,the Fengdu County Party Committee and the county government start aim to promote the prosperous development of Fengdu culture,showcase the excellent traditional culture of Fengdu,take cultural interaction,cultural interpretation and cultural leisure as the orientation,in order to focus on the development history of Fengdu,the value of humanistic landscape,the great achievements of migrant development and the future development trend,build and develop a museum and scientific research and education base that integrates exhibition,science and popularization,and has exemplary significance in the country and important influence in the world.Thus the international solicitation of Fengdu museum architecture design and detailed urban design is going.
According to the requirements of building a museum for national and world tourists,it hopes teams with relevant experience in urban and architectural design could participate this international solicitation to provide high-level design proposals.

Design scope and scale
Fengdu Museum,which is proposed to be a second-class museum,is located in near the Shuanggui Huating Project of Mingshan Ancient City of Mingshan Group in Fengdu County,with the Yangtze River in the south and the Mingshan Scenic Area in the north.The urban design scope is approximately 12Ha.The total area of the museum building and exhibition is about 2.27 Ha(about 34 acres).The building scale is about 18,000 square meters.
图片图:设计范围示意图Picture 1:Designing area

Design content
This solicitation includes 3 parts:urban design,architectural design,and exhibition planning.
(一)Urban design:In approximately 12Ha land area,design teams focuses Comprehensive and systematic design the development positioning,overall spatial structure,comprehensive transportation,spatial form,public space,ecological landscape system of the area,connected with the entrance of the museum and famous scenic spots,and commercial facilities.
(二)Architectural design:The architectural design site covers an area of approximately 2.27 hectares,which requires an analytical research of the site,an in-depth demonstration of traffic flow,landscape sight lines and environmental coordination.The architectural design scheme should be integrated and unified in terms of spatial functions,visitor flow and architectural style,including and not limited to communication,sightseeing,art appreciation and entertainment functions.The specific scale of the building can be optimised and adjusted in conjunction with the scheme design,provided that the scale of each function is met.The design scheme should include investment estimates and a conceptual analysis of the economic rationality of the submitted scheme.
(三)Exhibition planning:the overall exhibition planning should be related to the function of the building.

Solicitation form
This scheme solicitation adopt method of public registration.Three high-level design entities(including the consortiums)will be selected from open application and qualification examination in the solicitation.Once the announcement is published,the application will start.If not enough 3 design entities(including the consortiums),the solicitation will invited the relevant entities to participate by the method of intention invitation.

Open application and qualification examination
(一)The application(including the consortium)must be an independent legal entity.The application(including the consortium)of domestic institutions must meeting the requirements of Class A(including Architectural Association Class A)or above qualification in the architectural industry(architectural engineering).The application(including the consortium)of foreign institutions should have a legal relevant business scope(planning or architecture)in its country or region,and has registered a foreign legal entity sole proprietorship in China with a legal business licence(design or engineering consultancy).
(二)The consortium partners should sign the Consortium Agreement with legal effect,and specify the leading entity,the list of team members,division of labour and proportion of work of all parties in this solicitation.Any member of the consortium shall not enter into any other consortium with other design entities independently or in any other name.It is encouraged to set up a consortium to register with experienced exhibition planning entities.
(三)Applicant(including the consortium)performance requirements:since 1 January 2000,there has been at least one contract amount not less than 2 million(including 2 million)or two similar projects with contract amount not less than 1 million(including 1 million)(copies of the contract must be provided and stamped with the applicant's official seal).The performance awards of the applicant(including the consortium),the experience and performance awards of the lead designer and the qualifications of the team members will be taken as important references in the qualification assessment.
(四)The team configuration of applicants(including consortia)participating in this solicitation should include architectural design,urban design,exhibition planning,landscape design and other related disciplines.Designers should be registered staff of the design entities;the designer-in-chief should have presided over a number of projects of the same type,and should be directly involved in the whole process of this solicitation for proposals,including attending the kick-off meeting,participating in the site survey and reporting and evaluation meetings;the designer-in-chief should attend the subsequent evaluation meetings during the subsequent design stage,according to owners'requirements.During the design process,if the chief designer is inconsistent with the information submitted in the pre-qualification materials or the chief designer is changed without the approval of the organiser,the participation qualification will be deemed invalid,and the organiser will bring its entities and individuals into relevant integrity management.

Registration time and Submission of pre-qualification application documents
(一)Registration time:Registration starts on May 5,2023(Beijing time).The deadline for registration is 17:00,May 11,2023(Beijing time).The deadline for submission of pre-qualification application documents is 17:00 on 11 May 2023,and relevant information must be delivered to the designated place before the deadline,at the Chongqing Planning Affairs Center(1213,Building 2,Planning,Surveying and Mapping Innovation Base,Yubei District,Chongqing).Online mail registration is not accepted in this solicitation.If it is delivered late or not delivered to the designated place,the pre-qualification registration document will not be accepted by the solicitor.
(二)Application Document Requirements:One electronic file and one paper file should be submitted during the application stage,named"XX(organization name)Chongqing Fengdu Museum Architectural Scheme Design and Area Detailed Urban Design Solicitation for Applications",containing the application form,pre-qualification PPT,consortium division of work and team main personnel composition table.The application documents should include:basic information of the design entities;business licence/certificate of business registration;copies of qualification certificates with company seal or signature;consortium agreement,work division plan of consortium members;relevant performance of the design entities;relevant performance of the designer-in-chief;members of the design team,etc.Details are as attached.
Note:Applicant organisations should be legally responsible for the authenticity and legality of the above-mentioned materials submitted,and the organisers have the right to disqualify their applications if there are any inconsistencies with objective facts or violations of the law.
(三)Deposit:To ensure the quality of the call for proposals,the selected design entities should confirm their participation in the solicitation for proposals and submit a confirmation letter and pay RMB 20,000 to the contractor as a deposit before the launch,bank and account number:Ping An Bank of Chongqing Jiangbei Sub-branch 11003880376201(Chongqing Planning Affairs Centre),the deposit will be refunded in full after the evaluation of the proposals;the deposit will not be refunded if the design results are not submitted according to the stipulated requirements.

Solicitation for Proposals Bonus
Three entities submitted outcome documents that met the requirements of the solicitation for Proposals,which were evaluated by an expert jury,and the selection scheme and selection opinions were submitted to the County Planning Committee for consideration to determine the final ranking of the three schemes.
(一)The County Planning Committee will select the final winning scheme among the three schemes.The design entities of this scheme will be responsible for forming an optimised and integrated scheme based on the comments of the expert review and the County Planning Committee and the merits of the other schemes,and will receive a further design fee of RMB 2.48 million after being reviewed and approved by the organizer.The remaining two design agencies were awarded a prize of RMB 380,000 each,and those whose proposals were judged by the experts to be invalid were not eligible for the prize.
(二)All expenses are paid by the design entities,and all prizes for the call for proposals are tax inclusive,and payment procedures will commence after the final results are announced.

Time planning
(一)Publication of the call for applications:5 May 2023.
(二)Registration for design entities:before 17:00 on 11 May 2023.
(三)Pre-qualification screening:before 17:00 on 18 May 2023.
(四)Solicitation for invitations and confirmations:Before 23 May 2023,17:00(expected).
(五)Launch meeting and site visit:30 May 2023 before 17:00(expected).
(六)Submission of results(paper and electronic):Before 30 June 2023,17:00(expected).
(七)Programme expert review:before 17:00 on 5 July 2023(expected).
(八)The County Planning Committee will be judged at a time to be determined by the organisers.
All times are based on Beijing time and the organisers reserve the right to adjust the schedule.

Results requirements
The design output mainly consists of a text(including design notes and drawings)and a multimedia presentation document.The design text is bound in A3 size in 15 copies(1 original and 14 copies).The multimedia presentation file should be no more than 30 minutes,including at least one minute of animation,which should be produced using a popular Chinese application.Two sets of electronic files(USB memory sticks)with the same content as those submitted will also be provided.(The final call for proposals will be subject to the final published Call for Proposals)

Organisation structure
Host entity:Fengdu District People’s Government of Chongqing Municipality
Chongqing Planning&Natural Resources Bureau
Undertaking entity:Fengfu District Planning&Natural Resources Bureau of Chongqing
Fengdu County Culture and Tourism Development Committee
Signatory:Chongqing Fengdu Urban Construction Investment Group Co.,Ltd
Organising entity:Chongqing Planning Affairs Center
The host entity and the undertaking entity have the right to determine the schedule of relevant activities according to the specific situation,and have the final interpretation right to this scheme solicitation activity.
The organising entity is responsible for the specific work of the organisation for the preparation of this scheme solicitation,and the relevant letters confirmed by the host entity or undertaking entity have the same effect.
Contact details:Mr.Wang(+),
Mr Li(+).
Address:1213,Building 2,No.339 Longshan Avenue,Yubei District,Chongqing
(This Article is made out in both English and Chinese versions.We hereby set Chinese version as standard and English version as a reference should any conflicts accrued.)





更新时间:2023-01-03 19:38:50



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