







更新时间:2024-04-08 15:54:28
  International Family Day
  Let international friendship be everywhere
  "Together for a Better Future”
  这是Changsha WES Academy
  We now launch a global call for a logo
  for the 2024 International Family Day
  which has the theme“Together for a Better Future”.
  We hope that you accept this sincere invitation
  and look forward to your participation.
  What is the International Family Day?
  国际家庭日(International Family Day)是WESer的年度盛典,有来自三十多个国家的两千多组中外家庭欢聚一堂,共同展示长沙当地和国际家庭的多元文化与特色。参与者将体验环球旅行互动打卡,参与丰富多彩的互动游戏,沉浸式感受国际文化交流活动。
  International Family Day is the annual celebration of WES community.More than two thousands of Chinese and international families from over 30 countries will play and enjoy together.Showcasing the diverse cultures and characteristics of local and international families in Changsha.Participants will experience the global travel interactive punch,participate in a variety of interactive games,and immerse themselves in international cultural exchange activities.
  At the same time,the on-site restaurant will display food according to five continents,set up food booths from different countries,invite professional chefs to perform live cooking performances,show the cooking process of different countries,so that participants can enjoy a rich international food experience and taste the unique flavor of different cultures.
  LOGO call for International Family Day
  征集范围Collection scope
  Open solicitation to WESers and people from all walks of life around the world
  征集内容Collection content
  The logo/poster of International Family Day
  征集时间Collection time
  Submissions are open from now until April 14,2024
  征集要求Solicitation requirement
  1.以“International Family Day”为主题,充分展示国际教育情怀和温暖的国际家庭氛围,契合多元文化;
  a.Take"International Family Day"as the theme to fully demonstrate the international education feelings and warm international family atmosphere,in line with multi-culture;
  b.Vivid image,profound meaning,strong artistic appeal and visual impact,easy to identify memory and use tweets;
  c.A set of VI systems applicable to different publicity and promotion scenarios(such as:posters,material production,video covers,graphics and other forms).
  Submissions and selection of LOGO call
  投稿要求Submission requirements
  a.Submissions shall be submitted by email.
  b.All original manuscripts submitted should indicate the author's real name,correspondence address,contact number and email address,and submit a description of the work within 200 words.
  投稿渠道Submission channel
  非本校师生将作品发送至下方邮箱,并在邮件主题中标明IFD LOGO征集;
  Send the LOGO to the email below,and mark the IFD LOGO in the email subject;
  irisxia.cwa wes-group.org
  Teachers and students of our school should submit their works to the house leaders;
  评选标准Selection criteria
  Creativity:assessing the degree of innovation and uniqueness of the design work;
  Functionality:assessing the functionality and usefulness of the design work;
  Aesthetics:evaluation of the aesthetic appearance and aesthetic value of the design work;
  Feasibility:Evaluate the implementation feasibility of the design works.
  The reward setting of LOGO call
  一等奖The first prize
  1 place;Works were collected as the LOGO of 2024 International Family Day;
  ·The LOGO eventually requisitioned by the organizer will receive a grand prize and a cash reward of 2000 yuan;
  ·If the designer of the LOGO eventually requisioned by the organizer is a student or teacher of our school,we will get a cash reward of 2000 yuan and 10 house points;
  二等奖The second prize
  2 places;Judged by a panel of professional judges
  ·Get a cash reward of 1000 yuan;
  ·If the winners are teachers and students of our school,they will get 1000 yuan cash award and 5 house points;
  三等奖The third prize
  3 places;Judged by a panel of professional judges
  ·Get a cash reward of 500 yuan;
  ·If the winners are teachers and students of our school,they will get 500 yuan cash award and 3 house points;
  积极参与奖Active participation award
  All teachers and students of our school who participate in this activity and submit their works will receive 1 house point;
  特别说明Special instructions
  a.All submitted works will not be returned or exchanged.Please keep your manuscript.
  b.The submitted works must be original and first published,not published or exhibited in any form,not patented or registered,and not commercialized.The author shall be fully responsible for the originality and legality of the manuscript.If the work is involved in any legal issues such as copyright disputes,the applicant shall be responsible for it himself.The organizer shall not bear any responsibility,and the organizer has the right to cancel the qualification of the applicant and recover the prize money.
  c.The applicant shall be deemed to have agreed that the Sponsor owns the right to use the work and the intellectual property rights(including but not limited to copyright and trademark rights),and the applicant shall not transfer the work to any third party or use it for product development.The organizer shall have the right to modify,combine and publish the work,and shall have the right to apply to the competent administrative department for trademark registration.
  d.The Organizer reserves the right to decide the use occasion,use method and use time of the winning works.If the winning works are used for subsequent use,the applicant shall cooperate with the organizer to modify and improve the works according to the requirements of the organizer.
  e.The Organizing Committee reserves the right of final interpretation of this activity.All applicants shall be deemed to have fully understood and approved the content of this explanation.
  Theme song for International Family Day
  The theme song recommendation for International Family Day is also in full swing.If you have any good songs to recommend,please write to the official account of the school and leave the name of the song and the singer.
  If your recommended song is selected as the theme song of this International Family Day,you will also receive a gift.




  International Family Day
  Let international friendship be everywhere
  "Together for a Better Future”
  这是Changsha WES Academy
  We now launch a global call for a logo
  for the 2024 International Family Day
  which has the theme“Together for a Better Future”.
  We hope that you accept this sincere invitation
  and look forward to your participation.
  What is the International Family Day?
  国际家庭日(International Family Day)是WESer的年度盛典,有来自三十多个国家的两千多组中外家庭欢聚一堂,共同展示长沙当地和国际家庭的多元文化与特色。参与者将体验环球旅行互动打卡,参与丰富多彩的互动游戏,沉浸式感受国际文化交流活动。
  International Family Day is the annual celebration of WES community.More than two thousands of Chinese and international families from over 30 countries will play and enjoy together.Showcasing the diverse cultures and characteristics of local and international families in Changsha.Participants will experience the global travel interactive punch,participate in a variety of interactive games,and immerse themselves in international cultural exchange activities.
  At the same time,the on-site restaurant will display food according to five continents,set up food booths from different countries,invite professional chefs to perform live cooking performances,show the cooking process of different countries,so that participants can enjoy a rich international food experience and taste the unique flavor of different cultures.
  LOGO call for International Family Day
  征集范围Collection scope
  Open solicitation to WESers and people from all walks of life around the world
  征集内容Collection content
  The logo/poster of International Family Day
  征集时间Collection time
  Submissions are open from now until April 14,2024
  征集要求Solicitation requirement
  1.以“International Family Day”为主题,充分展示国际教育情怀和温暖的国际家庭氛围,契合多元文化;
  a.Take"International Family Day"as the theme to fully demonstrate the international education feelings and warm international family atmosphere,in line with multi-culture;
  b.Vivid image,profound meaning,strong artistic appeal and visual impact,easy to identify memory and use tweets;
  c.A set of VI systems applicable to different publicity and promotion scenarios(such as:posters,material production,video covers,graphics and other forms).
  Submissions and selection of LOGO call
  投稿要求Submission requirements
  a.Submissions shall be submitted by email.
  b.All original manuscripts submitted should indicate the author's real name,correspondence address,contact number and email address,and submit a description of the work within 200 words.
  投稿渠道Submission channel
  非本校师生将作品发送至下方邮箱,并在邮件主题中标明IFD LOGO征集;
  Send the LOGO to the email below,and mark the IFD LOGO in the email subject;
  irisxia.cwa wes-group.org
  Teachers and students of our school should submit their works to the house leaders;
  评选标准Selection criteria
  Creativity:assessing the degree of innovation and uniqueness of the design work;
  Functionality:assessing the functionality and usefulness of the design work;
  Aesthetics:evaluation of the aesthetic appearance and aesthetic value of the design work;
  Feasibility:Evaluate the implementation feasibility of the design works.
  The reward setting of LOGO call
  一等奖The first prize
  1 place;Works were collected as the LOGO of 2024 International Family Day;
  ·The LOGO eventually requisitioned by the organizer will receive a grand prize and a cash reward of 2000 yuan;
  ·If the designer of the LOGO eventually requisioned by the organizer is a student or teacher of our school,we will get a cash reward of 2000 yuan and 10 house points;
  二等奖The second prize
  2 places;Judged by a panel of professional judges
  ·Get a cash reward of 1000 yuan;
  ·If the winners are teachers and students of our school,they will get 1000 yuan cash award and 5 house points;
  三等奖The third prize
  3 places;Judged by a panel of professional judges
  ·Get a cash reward of 500 yuan;
  ·If the winners are teachers and students of our school,they will get 500 yuan cash award and 3 house points;
  积极参与奖Active participation award
  All teachers and students of our school who participate in this activity and submit their works will receive 1 house point;
  特别说明Special instructions
  a.All submitted works will not be returned or exchanged.Please keep your manuscript.
  b.The submitted works must be original and first published,not published or exhibited in any form,not patented or registered,and not commercialized.The author shall be fully responsible for the originality and legality of the manuscript.If the work is involved in any legal issues such as copyright disputes,the applicant shall be responsible for it himself.The organizer shall not bear any responsibility,and the organizer has the right to cancel the qualification of the applicant and recover the prize money.
  c.The applicant shall be deemed to have agreed that the Sponsor owns the right to use the work and the intellectual property rights(including but not limited to copyright and trademark rights),and the applicant shall not transfer the work to any third party or use it for product development.The organizer shall have the right to modify,combine and publish the work,and shall have the right to apply to the competent administrative department for trademark registration.



更新时间:2024-04-08 15:54:28



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