







更新时间:2023-11-24 15:22:24

The international competition for architectural design of the urban renewal project in Jiuxu Town,Yantian District,Shenzhen is about to start.The official announcement will be released in the near future.Please pay attention to the global design team.
Project Introduction
After more than 40 years of rapid development,Shenzhen has now fully entered the secondary development period,and the development is transforming from"speedly Shenzhen"to"quality Shenzhen".In the new development period,Shenzhen and Yantian district are faced with many opportunities and put forward the following construction and directions of development:
一、In December 2018,Shenzhen led the country in proposing to build a"Global Marine Central City".By the middle of this century,it will achieve world-class marine development and fully build a global marine central city.In October 2021,Yantian District,the government of Yantian District,issued two documents,the Implementation Plan for Yantian District to Create the Core Area of Global Marine Central City(2022-2025)and the Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Construction of Shatoujiao Shenzhen-Hong Kong International Tourism Consumption Cooperation Zone(2022-2025),which proposed to accelerate the establishment of the core area of global marine central city and Shatoujiao Shenzhen-Hong Kong International Tourism Consumption Cooperation Zone,We will make every effort to build"the core hub of the Bay Area and the benchmark of quality development",and build a modern,international and innovative coastal city suitable for living,business and tourism with high quality.In the Implementation Plan for Yantian District to Create a Core Area of a Global Marine Center City(2022-2025),it is proposed to build a marine characteristic industrial street,rely on Yantian seafood street,introduce national culture and product resources along the"the Belt and Road",and build a number of characteristic industrial streets that highlight marine culture in the form of micro fairs,micro museums,etc.Improve the energy level of the coastal tourism brand,accelerate the urban renewal of the old town,upgrade the business form of Yantian Seafood Street,and build a world-class coastal city complex by integrating elements such as super five-star hotels,high-end seafood restaurant brands,the World Seafood Trade Market,characteristic cultural leisure business,seafarer clubs,and fisherman's wharf.
△全球海洋中心城市Global Ocean Center City
二、The Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for the National Economic and Social Development of Yantian District and the Outline of the Long-term Goals for the Year 2035 proposed to strengthen the cooperation and exchange between Yantian Port and the ports in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao,and strengthen the complementary and staggered development in the fields of port development and construction,international dry port planning,information services,etc.Encourage shipping logistics enterprises within the jurisdiction to carry out international cooperation based on the advantages of port resources and implement a number of exemplary and leading cooperation projects.We will also accelerate the transformation and upgrading of Yantian Port and Yantian Comprehensive Protection Zone,expand new forms of tourism consumption with port characteristics,explore new"tourism+"modes such as port tourism,industrial tourism and popular science tourism,and provide important support for building a first-class bay area port economic belt and helping Shenzhen build a global marine center city.
△项目区位轴Project location axis
三、The Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Construction of Shatoujiao Shenzhen-Hong Kong International Tourism Consumption Cooperation Zone(2022-2025)proposes to realize the transformation of the Jiuxu Town of Yantian.Give full play to the ecological and cultural advantages of the mountains,seas,lakes and rivers,take the theme of"the mountain and sea reception hall,the port city that never sleeps",rely on the urban renewal of the Jiuxu Town of Yantian,build an international coastal city complex that gathers the international seafood trading market,the online popular catering market,the cultural and art center,the coastal tourism block,the sea-land transportation hub,the world's top hotels,and the international seamen's club,and build a world-class global seafood and food punch card place International coastal life and leisure experience.
四、The urban renewal project in Jiuxu Town area is adjacent to the Yantian Harbor Industrial Zone,and takes advantage of the global logistics hub role of Yantian Port and Yantian Comprehensive Bonded Zone.The Yantian Harbor Industrial Belt has been approved as the 17th key area of Shenzhen and has become a key development and construction area,bringing new opportunities for the development of Yantian Port and the rear land area,and also putting forward higher requirements for the development and construction of the Jiuxu Town located at the"outlet"of the Yantian Harbor Industrial Belt.
Under the new development situation and background,Yantian District strives to build a modern,international and innovative coastal urban area with"integration of urban area,tourist area and industrial area",livable,suitable for business and tourism,centering on the construction goal of"beautiful urban area",taking the coordinated development of mountain,sea,port and city as the main line,and taking urban renewal as an important starting point,It will bring significant development opportunities to Yantian Jiuxu Town,which is located at the gateway node of the eastern tourism region of Shenzhen.
Basic information and location of the project
The earliest historical record of Yantian Old Market Town appeared in the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty.Relying on the open-air market,it gradually developed into a major market in Longgang,Yantian and surrounding cities.The seafood street in Yantian Old Market Town is a famous seafood street in Shenzhen and one of the city cards of Shenzhen.
△项目区位Project location
Yantian Jiuxu Town is located in the rear land area of Yantian District,between the east and west port areas of Yantian Port,and is backed by Sanzhoutian Mountain.It is a transfer station for going up and down the mountain.This is the place where the city meets the sea and the port integrates with the city.It is also the intermediate station for the city to go to the big and small Meisha tourist attractions,and is also an important node of the Yantian industrial belt,bearing many development expectations.
△项目区位Project location
The metro line 8 under construction passes through the northern part of the area,and the planned service range of Yantian Shijie Station is 500 meters,which can effectively improve the traffic conditions around the area.The Golden Coast Wharf in the south of the project is a passenger terminal mainly for public yachts,tourism and leisure at sea.
In order to build the project with high standards,the construction party will carry out the international competition for the design of the key plot of the urban renewal unit of Yantian Jiuxu Town in the near future,and complete the high-level design and construction of the project with international vision,forward-looking thinking and creative design.
△项目全景图Aerial photograph
△项目全景图Aerial photograph
航拍图链接QR code link
Positioning and Vision
Activate the development of the Jiuxu Town of Yantian through urban renewal,take the theme of"Mountain and Sea Reception Hall,Port City with Fresh Food All Night",give full play to the advantages of mountain and sea resources,reshape the characteristics of the seafood street,and create a global seafood and food punch card place that integrates the world's seafood food market,coastal tourism,sea-land hub,characteristic commerce,high-end hotels,and cultural experience,as well as the eastern coastal cultural tourism leisure and sightseeing area of Shenzhen.
The project will make full use of the existing coastal location advantages and natural resources,implant functions such as catering,hotels,shopping,culture,public services,leisure and entertainment,and create a diversified and complex tourism destination,and finally achieve the following major visions:
Relying on mountain and sea resources,and coordinating with the surrounding important development areas to form the trend of industrial linkage development.
In combination with the unique cultural and humanistic spirit of Danjiaxu Town,Yantian,Shenzhen,the experience meets the needs of contemporary consumption upgrading and reshapes the new pattern of cultural development.
Shenzhen has a unique seafood culture IP to build the exhibition and marketing center of the world's seafood boutiques and create a gold-lettered landmark punch destination.
Make use of the unique mountain,sea,river and pond resources in the area,and combine with the existing old street flood drainage channel to create a water ecological corridor with the characteristics of Yantian.
Transportation portal:the sea and land transportation hub portal of the Great Bay Area,TOD seamless connection,the golden coast yacht dock and the fisherman dock form a maritime hub,and construct an intensive and efficient"station city integration"three-dimensional urban spatial pattern.
Build a super five-star hotel and improve the high-end supporting facilities of the eastern coastal tourism.
Build underground high-quality commerce and form a commercial complex of coastal cultural blocks with multiple elevations and dimensions above and below the ground.
△项目规划图Plan of the project
‍Design Scope
The competition design work includes two major parts:the overall planning of the town area,and the design of the key plot(02-06,04-06,04-07,04-05 schools)of Yantian Old Town Urban Renewal Unit.
Overall planning
1)Main design content:the overall planning design of the plot and the renewal unit of the fishermen's new village in the Jiuxu Town area,which are mainly residential and security housing functions,specifically includes the overall traffic flow line organization design of the area(including the design and research of the overhead road system),the slow traffic system design of the area(including the air corridor system),the overall construction of the aboveground and underground commercial system,the overall construction of the underground garage,the construction of the urban public space,and the control of the urban style Architectural style and landmark design of major urban interfaces,urban skyline control,site design,etc.
Design depth:urban design depth.
2)Content of collaborative design:the main urban interface landscape design of the area(including coastline-typhoon shelter-flood drainage channel ecological corridor-greening land-street interface landscape),plot 05-05(land for cultural facilities),plot 05-04(commercial land),and plot 05-01 administrative land.This design is only considered as resource utilization and integrated design.
Design depth:Urban design depth,can reflect the planning volume and space,to ensure that sunshine,fire,traffic and other reasonable.
△规划统筹范围Planning Co-ordination area
The contentsto be considered in the overall planning and design
Architectural scheme design
1)Yantian Jiuxu Town Urban Renewal Unit Project Lot 02-06,04-06,04-07,with a total capacity of 217335 square meters;
2)Yantian Jiuxu Town Urban Renewal Unit Project Lot 04-05 Class 36 primary school building design work(the property right of the primary school plot belongs to the government).
Registration Requirements
Prequalification application requirements
1.Design institutions legally registered in China and abroad with independent legal person qualification can apply,and no qualification requirements are set,and consortium is encouraged to apply;
2.Partners competition in a consortium shall meet the following requirements:
①The consortium shall indicate the general leading unit/overall team of the project,and the number of consortium members shall not exceed 3;
②Each party of the consortium shall not participate in the competition in its own name or in a consortium with another design institute;
③The partners of the consortium shall sign a legal and effective Consortium Agreement to clarify the equity share,work content and workload of each party of the consortium in the competition stage.
3.In order to ensure the diversity of architectural creativity and the implementation of the scheme,the members of the consortium are encouraged to fully integrate and strengthen the union,which can be considered as transportation planning,hotel design,architectural design,cultural planning,commercial operation,landscape architecture,etc.,to give full play to their respective professional advantages and ensure the diversity of creativity;
4.This project does not accept the registration of individuals and individual combinations;
5.Design institutions(consortiums)or creators with experience in the following similar projects will be given priority:
①Have the experience of urban planning and architectural design in similar coastal areas,and having the ability to control the overall urban space design;
②Having design experience in large urban renewal/old renovation projects,and have comprehensive traffic design ability and practical experience;
③Having rich experience in designing high-end hotel projects,commercial projects and well-known public construction projects;
④Have rich experience in public landscape,environmental construction and cultural projects(planning and exhibition planning,etc.).
Design team requirements
1.The Tenderer must designate one project chief designer(one jointly appointed by the consortium),one project leader(one jointly appointed by the consortium),and one main designer(one jointly appointed by the consortium).
2.Provide the performance of the leading designer and the professional heads of the consortium(if any)who have served in the same type of design projects.The number of submitted performance shall not exceed 3.If more than 3,only the first 3 items will be selected.Performance certification materials:project name,scale(total construction area),Party A's information,design time,design content,main renderings or completed photos,and the project has won national or foreign professional awards at the corresponding level.
3.The chief designer,project leader and other chief designers must directly participate in the whole design process,and the chief designer/project leader must answer questions and report results as the direct reporter.During the competition and implementation of subsequent projects,except for force majeure,the chief designer,project leader and chief designer cannot be replaced;If it is necessary to replace personnel,it is necessary to confirm the replacement in detail with the Tenderee in writing and obtain written consent.In case of consortium competition,the consortium member unit to which the personnel belong shall be indicated.
4.In order to ensure the accurate understanding of the background and relevant requirements of this international competition,the project leader should be a person who knows Chinese well.
Early Registration
The official announcement of this international competition will be released in the near future.Domestic and foreign design teams are welcome to register the forecast name.For design institutions interested in participating,please scan the QR code for the forecast name and fill in the forecast name information.This competition is subject to the officially issued competition announcement and competition documents,which will be released on the official website and official account of Shenzhen Guanzhu.Please pay attention to the information released.
Deadline for collecting early registration information:17:00,April 3,2023(Beijing time)

Registration QR code and link
Competition sponsor:Shenzhen Haonian Investment Co.,Ltd
Supervised by:Shenzhen Yantian District Urban Renewal and Land Preparation Bureau
Consultant:Shenzhen Guanzhu Building Development Exchange Center
咨询邮箱:cjy-competition qq.com
E-mail:cjy-competition qq.com
Consultation telephone:
郑工+86 156 2251 5496
李工+86 186 7550 8432
(9:00-17:00,Monday to Friday,Beijing time)
Information Delivery
1.The official competition announcement will be released in the near future.The specific content and schedule shall be subject to the official announcement.


2.Official announcement release platform:Official website of Shenzhen Guanzhu Building Development Exchange Center:


※The Tenderee has the final right to interpret the working rules of this international competition.The interpretation language shall be Chinese.




The international competition for architectural design of the urban renewal project in Jiuxu Town,Yantian District,Shenzhen is about to start.The official announcement will be released in the near future.Please pay attention to the global design team.
Project Introduction
After more than 40 years of rapid development,Shenzhen has now fully entered the secondary development period,and the development is transforming from"speedly Shenzhen"to"quality Shenzhen".In the new development period,Shenzhen and Yantian district are faced with many opportunities and put forward the following construction and directions of development:
一、In December 2018,Shenzhen led the country in proposing to build a"Global Marine Central City".By the middle of this century,it will achieve world-class marine development and fully build a global marine central city.In October 2021,Yantian District,the government of Yantian District,issued two documents,the Implementation Plan for Yantian District to Create the Core Area of Global Marine Central City(2022-2025)and the Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Construction of Shatoujiao Shenzhen-Hong Kong International Tourism Consumption Cooperation Zone(2022-2025),which proposed to accelerate the establishment of the core area of global marine central city and Shatoujiao Shenzhen-Hong Kong International Tourism Consumption Cooperation Zone,We will make every effort to build"the core hub of the Bay Area and the benchmark of quality development",and build a modern,international and innovative coastal city suitable for living,business and tourism with high quality.In the Implementation Plan for Yantian District to Create a Core Area of a Global Marine Center City(2022-2025),it is proposed to build a marine characteristic industrial street,rely on Yantian seafood street,introduce national culture and product resources along the"the Belt and Road",and build a number of characteristic industrial streets that highlight marine culture in the form of micro fairs,micro museums,etc.Improve the energy level of the coastal tourism brand,accelerate the urban renewal of the old town,upgrade the business form of Yantian Seafood Street,and build a world-class coastal city complex by integrating elements such as super five-star hotels,high-end seafood restaurant brands,the World Seafood Trade Market,characteristic cultural leisure business,seafarer clubs,and fisherman's wharf.
△全球海洋中心城市Global Ocean Center City
二、The Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for the National Economic and Social Development of Yantian District and the Outline of the Long-term Goals for the Year 2035 proposed to strengthen the cooperation and exchange between Yantian Port and the ports in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao,and strengthen the complementary and staggered development in the fields of port development and construction,international dry port planning,information services,etc.Encourage shipping logistics enterprises within the jurisdiction to carry out international cooperation based on the advantages of port resources and implement a number of exemplary and leading cooperation projects.We will also accelerate the transformation and upgrading of Yantian Port and Yantian Comprehensive Protection Zone,expand new forms of tourism consumption with port characteristics,explore new"tourism+"modes such as port tourism,industrial tourism and popular science tourism,and provide important support for building a first-class bay area port economic belt and helping Shenzhen build a global marine center city.
△项目区位轴Project location axis
三、The Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Construction of Shatoujiao Shenzhen-Hong Kong International Tourism Consumption Cooperation Zone(2022-2025)proposes to realize the transformation of the Jiuxu Town of Yantian.Give full play to the ecological and cultural advantages of the mountains,seas,lakes and rivers,take the theme of"the mountain and sea reception hall,the port city that never sleeps",rely on the urban renewal of the Jiuxu Town of Yantian,build an international coastal city complex that gathers the international seafood trading market,the online popular catering market,the cultural and art center,the coastal tourism block,the sea-land transportation hub,the world's top hotels,and the international seamen's club,and build a world-class global seafood and food punch card place International coastal life and leisure experience.
四、The urban renewal project in Jiuxu Town area is adjacent to the Yantian Harbor Industrial Zone,and takes advantage of the global logistics hub role of Yantian Port and Yantian Comprehensive Bonded Zone.The Yantian Harbor Industrial Belt has been approved as the 17th key area of Shenzhen and has become a key development and construction area,bringing new opportunities for the development of Yantian Port and the rear land area,and also putting forward higher requirements for the development and construction of the Jiuxu Town located at the"outlet"of the Yantian Harbor Industrial Belt.
Under the new development situation and background,Yantian District strives to build a modern,international and innovative coastal urban area with"integration of urban area,tourist area and industrial area",livable,suitable for business and tourism,centering on the construction goal of"beautiful urban area",taking the coordinated development of mountain,sea,port and city as the main line,and taking urban renewal as an important starting point,It will bring significant development opportunities to Yantian Jiuxu Town,which is located at the gateway node of the eastern tourism region of Shenzhen.
Basic information and location of the project
The earliest historical record of Yantian Old Market Town appeared in the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty.Relying on the open-air market,it gradually developed into a major market in Longgang,Yantian and surrounding cities.The seafood street in Yantian Old Market Town is a famous seafood street in Shenzhen and one of the city cards of Shenzhen.
△项目区位Project location
Yantian Jiuxu Town is located in the rear land area of Yantian District,between the east and west port areas of Yantian Port,and is backed by Sanzhoutian Mountain.It is a transfer station for going up and down the mountain.This is the place where the city meets the sea and the port integrates with the city.It is also the intermediate station for the city to go to the big and small Meisha tourist attractions,and is also an important node of the Yantian industrial belt,bearing many development expectations.
△项目区位Project location
The metro line 8 under construction passes through the northern part of the area,and the planned service range of Yantian Shijie Station is 500 meters,which can effectively improve the traffic conditions around the area.The Golden Coast Wharf in the south of the project is a passenger terminal mainly for public yachts,tourism and leisure at sea.
In order to build the project with high standards,the construction party will carry out the international competition for the design of the key plot of the urban renewal unit of Yantian Jiuxu Town in the near future,and complete the high-level design and construction of the project with international vision,forward-looking thinking and creative design.
△项目全景图Aerial photograph
△项目全景图Aerial photograph
航拍图链接QR code link
Positioning and Vision
Activate the development of the Jiuxu Town of Yantian through urban renewal,take the theme of"Mountain and Sea Reception Hall,Port City with Fresh Food All Night",give full play to the advantages of mountain and sea resources,reshape the characteristics of the seafood street,and create a global seafood and food punch card place that integrates the world's seafood food market,coastal tourism,sea-land hub,characteristic commerce,high-end hotels,and cultural experience,as well as the eastern coastal cultural tourism leisure and sightseeing area of Shenzhen.
The project will make full use of the existing coastal location advantages and natural resources,implant functions such as catering,hotels,shopping,culture,public services,leisure and entertainment,and create a diversified and complex tourism destination,and finally achieve the following major visions:
Relying on mountain and sea resources,and coordinating with the surrounding important development areas to form the trend of industrial linkage development.
In combination with the unique cultural and humanistic spirit of Danjiaxu Town,Yantian,Shenzhen,the experience meets the needs of contemporary consumption upgrading and reshapes the new pattern of cultural development.
Shenzhen has a unique seafood culture IP to build the exhibition and marketing center of the world's seafood boutiques and create a gold-lettered landmark punch destination.
Make use of the unique mountain,sea,river and pond resources in the area,and combine with the existing old street flood drainage channel to create a water ecological corridor with the characteristics of Yantian.
Transportation portal:the sea and land transportation hub portal of the Great Bay Area,TOD seamless connection,the golden coast yacht dock and the fisherman dock form a maritime hub,and construct an intensive and efficient"station city integration"three-dimensional urban spatial pattern.
Build a super five-star hotel and improve the high-end supporting facilities of the eastern coastal tourism.
Build underground high-quality commerce and form a commercial complex of coastal cultural blocks with multiple elevations and dimensions above and below the ground.
△项目规划图Plan of the project
‍Design Scope
The competition design work includes two major parts:the overall planning of the town area,and the design of the key plot(02-06,04-06,04-07,04-05 schools)of Yantian Old Town Urban Renewal Unit.
Overall planning
1)Main design content:the overall planning design of the plot and the renewal unit of the fishermen's new village in the Jiuxu Town area,which are mainly residential and security housing functions,specifically includes the overall traffic flow line organization design of the area(including the design and research of the overhead road system),the slow traffic system design of the area(including the air corridor system),the overall construction of the aboveground and underground commercial system,the overall construction of the underground garage,the construction of the urban public space,and the control of the urban style Architectural style and landmark design of major urban interfaces,urban skyline control,site design,etc.
Design depth:urban design depth.
2)Content of collaborative design:the main urban interface landscape design of the area(including coastline-typhoon shelter-flood drainage channel ecological corridor-greening land-street interface landscape),plot 05-05(land for cultural facilities),plot 05-04(commercial land),and plot 05-01 administrative land.This design is only considered as resource utilization and integrated design.
Design depth:Urban design depth,can reflect the planning volume and space,to ensure that sunshine,fire,traffic and other reasonable.
△规划统筹范围Planning Co-ordination area
The contentsto be considered in the overall planning and design
Architectural scheme design
1)Yantian Jiuxu Town Urban Renewal Unit Project Lot 02-06,04-06,04-07,with a total capacity of 217335 square meters;
2)Yantian Jiuxu Town Urban Renewal Unit Project Lot 04-05 Class 36 primary school building design work(the property right of the primary school plot belongs to the government).
Registration Requirements
Prequalification application requirements
1.Design institutions legally registered in China and abroad with independent legal person qualification can apply,and no qualification requirements are set,and consortium is encouraged to apply;
2.Partners competition in a consortium shall meet the following requirements:
①The consortium shall indicate the general leading unit/overall team of the project,and the number of consortium members shall not exceed 3;
②Each party of the consortium shall not participate in the competition in its own name or in a consortium with another design institute;
③The partners of the consortium shall sign a legal and effective Consortium Agreement to clarify the equity share,work content and workload of each party of the consortium in the competition stage.
3.In order to ensure the diversity of architectural creativity and the implementation of the scheme,the members of the consortium are encouraged to fully integrate and strengthen the union,which can be considered as transportation planning,hotel design,architectural design,cultural planning,commercial operation,landscape architecture,etc.,to give full play to their respective professional advantages and ensure the diversity of creativity;
4.This project does not accept the registration of individuals and individual combinations;
5.Design institutions(consortiums)or creators with experience in the following similar projects will be given priority:
①Have the experience of urban planning and architectural design in similar coastal areas,and having the ability to control the overall urban space design;
②Having design experience in large urban renewal/old renovation projects,and have comprehensive traffic design ability and practical experience;
③Having rich experience in designing high-end hotel projects,commercial projects and well-known public construction projects;
④Have rich experience in public landscape,environmental construction and cultural projects(planning and exhibition planning,etc.).
Design team requirements
1.The Tenderer must designate one project chief designer(one jointly appointed by the consortium),one project leader(one jointly appointed by the consortium),and one main designer(one jointly appointed by the consortium).
2.Provide the performance of the leading designer and the professional heads of the consortium(if any)who have served in the same type of design projects.The number of submitted performance shall not exceed 3.If more than 3,only the first 3 items will be selected.Performance certification materials:project name,scale(total construction area),Party A's information,design time,design content,main renderings or completed photos,and the project has won national or foreign professional awards at the corresponding level.
3.The chief designer,project leader and other chief designers must directly participate in the whole design process,and the chief designer/project leader must answer questions and report results as the direct reporter.During the competition and implementation of subsequent projects,except for force majeure,the chief designer,project leader and chief designer cannot be replaced;If it is necessary to replace personnel,it is necessary to confirm the replacement in detail with the Tenderee in writing and obtain written consent.In case of consortium competition,the consortium member unit to which the personnel belong shall be indicated.
4.In order to ensure the accurate understanding of the background and relevant requirements of this international competition,the project leader should be a person who knows Chinese well.
Early Registration
The official announcement of this international competition will be released in the near future.Domestic and foreign design teams are welcome to register the forecast name.For design institutions interested in participating,please scan the QR code for the forecast name and fill in the forecast name information.This competition is subject to the officially issued competition announcement and competition documents,which will be released on the official website and official account of Shenzhen Guanzhu.Please pay attention to the information released.
Deadline for collecting early registration information:17:00,April 3,2023(Beijing time)

Registration QR code and link
Competition sponsor:Shenzhen Haonian Investment Co.,Ltd
Supervised by:Shenzhen Yantian District Urban Renewal and Land Preparation Bureau
Consultant:Shenzhen Guanzhu Building Development Exchange Center
咨询邮箱:cjy-competition qq.com
E-mail:cjy-competition qq.com
Consultation telephone:
郑工+86 156 2251 5496
李工+86 186 7550 8432
(9:00-17:00,Monday to Friday,Beijing time)
Information Delivery
1.The official competition announcement will be released in the near future.The specific content and schedule shall be subject to the official announcement.


2.Official announcement release platform:Official website of Shenzhen Guanzhu Building Development Exchange Center:


※The Tenderee has the final right to interpret the working rules of this international competition.The interpretation language shall be Chinese.




更新时间:2023-11-24 15:22:24



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