Co-building of One Belt And One Road Exporting of Chinese Design
ChinaInternational Design Week
中国国际设计周于2016年9 月10 日在厦门国际会展中心正式启动,作为中国商务部主办的“中国国际投资贸易洽谈会”(98 投洽会)的配套项目,是由98 投洽会组委会、中国产业海外发展协会福建分会、福建省室内设计师协会联合举办的专业国际性设计服务平台,以“共建一带一路、出口中国设计”为主题,以立足厦门、面向世界开展各项工作,每年在98投洽会期间同期举办,内容由中国国际设计产业博览会、中国国际设计论坛、“金尺奖”中国国际设计大奖赛、中国国际设计周“一带一路”设计之旅暨中国设计大师论坛(全球行.地方站)四大版块构成,类别涵盖建筑设计、室内设计、工业设计作品、照明设计类、“未来”设计等不同的类别及其相关的内容。
As complementary project of China International Fair forInvestment andTrade (98CIFIT) hosted by China's ministry of commerce, China International DesignWeek started on September 10th, 2016 in XiamenInternational ExhibitionCenter. It is an international professionaldesign service platform sponsored byCIFIT organization committee, China Oversea DevelopmentsAssociation Fujian Branch and Fujian Interior DesignerAssociation, with thetheme of “Co-building of One Belt One Road,Exporting of Chinese Design”. It is held every year over the sameperiod of 98 CIFIT to carry out various services based onXiamen and facing to theworld,including four sections: China International Design Industry Expo, China InternationalDesign Forum, "Golden Ruler Cup" Chinainternational Design GrandPrix, “One BeltOne Road” design tour of China International Design Week &China Design MasterForum (global. city name), and the service category covers: architecturaldesign, interior design, industrial designwork/achievements, lighting design, “future” design etc.

Important complementary project of China International Design Week
"GoldenRulerCup"China InternationalDesignGrandPrix (Interior Design)
·Competition category
The "Golden Ruler Cup" China internationaldesign competition (interior design category) is divided into two major sections: professional group and student group. The professional group refers to design company, design organization, design team or employed individual designer. Submitted work should be real scene of any projects. The student group referstostudents who are studying inrelevant institutions.Submitted workshould besubject research design or conceptualexploring design with perspectiveness, creativity and futurity.
The "Golden Ruler Cup" includes categories such as commercial spacedesign, residential space design, office space design, special space design and design of soft furnishings etc. Participants may choose category according to personalinterests or expertise.
I. Commercial space design:
1. Mall&showroom space design.
Allkinds ofcommercial space such as shopping malls, bookstores,specialty stores, retail stores, etc.
2. Hotel space design.
Allkinds ofhotel spacesuch asbusiness hotels, resort hotels, theme hotels, boutique hotels, etc.;
3. Catering space design.
All kinds ofcateringspace such as chain restaurants, restaurants, theme restaurants, etc.
4. Beauty and leisure space design.
All kinds ofbeautysalon, hair salon, gym, yoga room, business club etc.
5. Entertainment space design.
All kinds ofentertainmentspacesuch asclubs, nightclubs, etc.
II. Residentialspace design:
1. Real estate sample space design.
Real estate sample room or show housethat is used for sale and nottargeted at specific households.
II.Residential space design:
1. Real estate sample space design.
2. Residential space design.
Allkinds of residential space, such as apartment, villa, duplex, etc.
II.Residential space design:
1. Real estate sample space design.
2. Residential space design.
III. Office space design:
Allkinds of office space, including corporate headquarters building, financialinstitution business place, new type sharing office space, etc.;
Iv. Special space design classes:
II.Residential space design:
1. Real estate sample space design.
2. Residential space design.
III. Office space design:
1. Education &medical space design.
Allkinds of education &medicalspace, such as kindergarten, primary school, high school, university, clinic,community medical service center, hospital, etc.
II.Residential space design:
1. Real estate sample space design.
2. Residential space design.
III. Office space design:
1. Education &medical space design.
2. Cultural theme space design.
Allkinds of cultural theme Spaces, such as cultural centers, museums, etc.
II.Residential space design:
1. Real estate sample space design.
2. Residential space design.
III. Office space design:
1. Education &medical space design.
2. Cultural theme space design.
V. Soft decoration design:
Soft decorationfor all kinds of interior space;
VI."future" design category (special award)
This competition gives designers a stage to freedesign ideas and souls. It welcomes designers or students to contribute"subversive design" works, which can challenge traditional ideas andbreak barriers in aspects of rendering design,space nature,materialsapplicationetc., and can make new and forward-looking plans in fields of people's behavior, communication and lifestyle. In a word, a study of thepossibility of a new civilized order in society.
This special award is not limited tosubject or major, it can be a kindof space or relevant technology or relatedproducts... In a word, allartistic design are welcomed.
Both professional group and studentgroup are allowed to participatein this award, and the award will be appraised by groups.
One belt, one road and one China Design for export, will be selected this year. Each competition category will be evaluated by the first and final evaluation. The competition will be divided into 1 gold medals, 2 silver awards, 3 bronze medals and 10 outstanding prizes. Winners of gold, silver and bronze awards will be awarded with trophies and certificates, while outstanding awards will only be awarded with certificates;
This competition will only accept the real scene works (concept is allowed in student group).Submitted documents should be emphasized on showing features of spacedesign.
Each participant isallowed to submit a maximum of threedifferent projects. If there is an error in category, the organizing committee has the right to adjust to thecorrect category. All submissions must meet the following requirements (otherwise it is invalid and will not enter the final procedure.) The submission requirements are asfollows:
I. establishment of registration folder:
When submitting the information, each designer shallestablish a registration folder with name of
“Name - city - company name ";
II. Establishment of project folder:
The project folder should be established in theapplication folder. The name of the project folder is "ategory - projectname".
Note: If one designer (group) applying with multiple projects, the projects should be set up separately in different projects folders.
III. Organize the submitted materials according torequirements:
1. Fill in and submit the application form and design description as required. The form should be named "participant name - category - projectname";
2. Submitlayout andten photos of eachproject. Please name submitted pictures as the spacerepresented, such as “living room”, “bedroom”, “study room”, etc. Differentperspectives of the same space should be named “Space name + Number”,such as“living room1”,”living room 2”, etc.
3. Submit a digital photo of the designer or the team. The personal photo file named in the designer’s name,while teamphoto named in the name of all team members from left to right.
4.Submitdesigner's portfolio orcompany profile, includethe designer's education experience, work experience,awards experience,speciality in design,representative cases, etc.
5. Participants of companiesshould addressed in the name of the company, participants of any group or team should decide the order of addressoron their own, committee of China International Design Week shall not be liable forany dispute. In addition, submitted work of the student group must indicate the instructor.
1.平面图或顶面天花图为dwg 格式。实景空间照片为jpg/pdf/tif/CMYK格式;
2.将上述图文资料编辑在90cm x 120cm 的版式(版式见附件)内,根据作品亮点的需求自行编排图文或说明文字,板式中各类图片其分辨率由参赛者自定在300dpi,但每个参赛项目的板式编辑总文件在压缩后上传时,其大小不超过 50 MB;
IV. Submission format requirements:
1. Layout or ceiling should be in DWG format. Photographs of real scene shouldbe JPG/PDF /tif/CMYK.
2. Edit the above materials in the format of 90cm x 120cm (see attachment sample), adddescribing text to highlight the design feature. Resolution of all submittedpictures can befixed by participants around 300dpi, buteach submitted file should not be more than 50MB after compression.
Remind: Anysubmission documents cannot reach the quality of appraising, exhibition orpublishing due to blurred image, the committee shall have the rightto deprive eligibility of the participant.
作品提交截止时间为2022年7月30 日。组委会将组织专家评委进行作品评选,本次大赛最终评奖结果将在2022年9 月9 日的颁奖典礼现场进行公布。
全球参赛作品接收专用邮箱:cid@98cid.com 咨询电话:4009911887
微信公众号:CN 国际设计周金尺奖
·Competition procedures
The deadline for submission is July 30, 2022. The organizing committee will organize expert judges to select the works, and the final results of the competition will be announced at the award ceremony on September 9, 2022.
The submission should be delivered by E-mail, the email address andcontacts ofthe committee is as below:
Appointed universal email:cid@98cid.com hotline: 4009911887.
WeChat public account: international design week golden rule award (in Chinese)and CN4009911887 (in English).
Matters not covered herein shall be subject to furtherdiscussion by the committee according to the regulations, and the finalinterpretation shall be vested in the committee of China International Design Week.
Organizing Committee of China International Design Week
June 02, 2022

参赛展板:不得体现姓名等 推广展板:体现姓名等

Secretariat of organizing committee of China International Design Week
Special E-mail forreceiving submission:cid@98cid.com
