Second [MEGA] International Creative Media Festival
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MEGA国际创意媒体盛典是由西交利物浦大学影视创意学院发起的综合创意活动,吸引了全球顶尖的影视创意人才参与其中,如中国最佳纪录片奖获奖导演,路易威登Journeys Awards的评审团大奖获奖导演,科波拉短片奖获奖导演,AI艺术家等。
MEGA international creative media festival is intiated by the Academy of Film and Creative Technology at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.It has attracted some of the world's top creative talent in film and television, such as China Best Documentary Award winner, Jury Prize winner of Louis Vuitton Journeys Awards, Coppola Short Film Award winner, AI artists, etc.
The organizer reserves the right to interpret the event